Joe's dead in the water……. sooooo… Anyone gonna offer a few guesses as to who will actually run?
Hmmmm… The silence, speaks volumes…lol… Too scared to even field an answer.
Time to move on… it's pretty plain to see Biden has already been thrown under the bus… No handlers and on a free question interview…. Blah, they know he's a fool and threw him to be bait.
The bigger question now… who will run?
Hilldawg I'll go with… Moochelle….hmmm…. she was beside obama, but not really politic savvy….could be, but I recon we gotta look wider.
Warren still a possibility.
Could you explain what that meme represents towards me…. I must be a little slow tonight, so take your time and tell me slowly.
lol…true… but it's a little indiscretion compared to hilldawg n obastard….. Still a possibility, slim I admit….Who else have they got hiding in the background?
Losing must suck for you retards…. Game is rigged and you're still going down….. suck it bitch.
The left can't meme… Not even to save their own lives…lmao.
Remdivisir worked only with ventilators…. hmmm…. now lets follow this through.
The most expensive drug with the most expensive hospital procedure(ventilator) was on the way to being the standard of practice for treating covid19…. Now lets just run through what that would have cost per day for the stay in hospital… insurance or not, they were milking it hard.
Cockroach… filled an ip with shit and on to the next one huh…..Snore click.
Close enough…. what's your beef…I didn't get my sumation exactly perfect?…or that I pointed out the gravy train that was to come?
Blah blah blah…Snooooooore….With a yawn, because you're shit is too old.
If I ever respond to you, just know it's only because I think others might be interested in the answer and convo… Not because I give a shit about your opinions… you have your, I have mine,
Anything else you would like to piss and moan about?