Anonymous ID: ccda9f May 23, 2020, 1:33 a.m. No.9285641   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5664

>>9285444 lb

>>9285460 lb

>>9285507 lb

>>9285509 lb


Every once in a while, someone sees a 5 pointed star

With the point going down

And tries to tell everyone

That's occult evil stuff…

When asked why, all they know is…

… somebody told me so


So, let's dig a little.

Above we have a Trump campaign hat

And some occult symbolism

With the stars pointing up, not down.

And look at this old flag

Not down or up.

Maybe even purposely angled

Do read the article too.


And look at the next antique flag

Six points!

The history of America is a closed secret

To those who fail to dig, research, investigate

And educate themselves

Don't be the dummy that the communist Deep State

Wants you to be

The next URL has a collection of 130

Rare antique American flags

Just keep clicking Next Gallery to see them all


And here we have the seal of the PRESIDENT

Of the Continental Congress with 6 pointed stars

I don't believe the first President, Peyton Randolph

Used this seal

It was created in the time of President Samuel Huntington

After George Washington resigned as Commander-in-Chief

Huntington was President from 1779 to 1781


If this all sounds like some kind of alternate history timeline

That's because the things you learned in school

Actually were an alternate history of the USA

Anonymous ID: ccda9f May 23, 2020, 1:45 a.m. No.9285682   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5688 >>5710

The H-645 in the top left cluster must have been Bell Labs because they preferred the GE/Honeywell timesharing mainframes.


Further down the left side, just to the left of Aberdeen

Is Belvoir

That has to be the Army of Northern Virginia

USISA in Fort Belvoir

Where this board has a few frens working.


I don't see Michigan or Ford.

But I do know that Ford Research was connected by 1976.

Because I talked to someone who was on a work term there over ARPANET.

"Talk" means we typed back and forth realtime including backspace and typo corrections.


Interesting that Ames had a 360/67 because that computer had special hardware and it's special OS became VM/370 with the CMS timesharing system. It was VM/370 that enabled BITNET where the first mailing lists were started, and these lists became the core tool for cooperative working in designing all the rest of the Internet. RFCs were all developed this way.

Anonymous ID: ccda9f May 23, 2020, 2:03 a.m. No.9285736   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5770




Sir Ellice Victor Sassoon, 3rd Baronet, GBE (20 December 1881 – 13 August 1961) was a businessman and hotelier from the wealthy Baghdadi Jewish Sassoon merchant and banking family.


In the 1920s and 1930s, he transferred much of his wealth from India to Shanghai, China and contributed to a real estate boom there by investing millions of US dollars in the local economy. Sir Victor frequently traveled worldwide for business and pleasure and divided his time between Poona, India and Shanghai.


Anonymous ID: ccda9f May 23, 2020, 2:18 a.m. No.9285770   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5775



The name of the family strongly implies a local, Mesopotamian origin for the family. The family name of Sassoon is also commonly shared by many Armenian and Kurdish families and tribes who all originate from the mountainous district of Sason (whence the family and tribal names), west of Lake Van, in upper Mesopotamia in modern Turkey. It is, however, possible that some Spanish Sephardi blood was mixed with the primarily Mesopotamian Jewish Sasoons.


David Sassoon - a wikipedia whitewashing for the biggest drug dealer in history


David Sassoon is a most extraordinary character. During the nineteenth century he was the richest man in the world. It was said of him that "whatever moves over sea or land feels the hand or bears the mark of Sassoon and Company". And when you're that wealthy and that powerful, if a country like China declares your product of opium illegal then you merely get another country, like Great Britain, to declare war on them. Subsequently, all of that Chinese history: the Opium Wars, the theft of Hong Kong, the rampant looting and destruction of China's cultural treasures - variously depicted heroically in Hollywood pictures such as 55 Days in Peking and The Sand Pebbles, or through a lens of subjugation and humiliation in Chinese flicks like the Once Upon a Time in China series - all of that may be laid at the feet of the greatest drug kingpin in the history of the world, David Sassoon.


And astoundingly nobody has ever heard of him. He has no listing in Encyclopaedia Britannica at all - nothing, not a sausage. The only Sassoon they acknowledge is anti-war poet Siegfried Sassoon, whose idiot father got himself disinherited by the family for failing to marry a Jewess. Clearly Siegfried's dad also failed to teach his son the Talmud: "When you go to war do not go as the first, but as the last, so that you may return as the first." Oh well, never mind.


another case like Payseur, almost obliterated from history

Anonymous ID: ccda9f May 23, 2020, 2:20 a.m. No.9285775   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5780


Freemasons & The Opium Trade in India | Great Game India Exclusive


Freemasonry is a highly secretive society, making it an ideal vehicle for global drugs and arms trafficking. According to 33rd Degree Mason Manly Hall, “Freemasonry is a fraternity within a fraternity – an outer organization concealing an inner brotherhood of the elect…the one visible and the other invisible. The visible society is a splendid camaraderie of ‘free and accepted’ men enjoined to devote themselves to ethical, educational, fraternal, patriotic and humanitarian concerns. The invisible society is a secret and most august fraternity whose members are dedicated to the service of an arcanum arcandrum (sacred secret).”


Wealth derived from selling this Chinese opium during British colonial rule, helped build many landmarks on India’s west coast. The Mahim Causeway, The Sir JJ School of Art, David Sassoon Library and Flora Fountain, landmarks in modern Mumbai, were built by prominent Parsi and Jewish traders from profits made by a flourishing opium and later cotton trade with China.


Prominent families from Mumbai’s past, names that adorn today’s famous institutions such as the Wadia’s, Tata’s, Jejeebhoy’s, Readymoney’s, Cama’s and Sassoon’s sold opium to China through the British. By the end of the nineteenth century, when the opium trade went bust, cotton from India’s western state of Gujarat, which had already developed strong trade links with Canton profited. The Paris’s ploughed profits from the trade with the Chinese back into India, setting up several schools, hospitals and banks. Historical records prove that some of India’s prominent Parsi traders at the time, were founders of the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC Bank) founded in 1865.


It is this deadly opium empire that Gandhiji was very much conscious about and spoke out against for which he was jailed in 1921 by India’s British rulers for “undermining the revenue”. Having seen generations of Chinese youths rendered docile and passive Gandhiji was concerned over opium and its deadly effects on India which is clear from his letters. These opium production activities ran until 1924 in India and were stopped with the heroic efforts of Mahatma Gandhi who first agitated to remove opium production from India and destruction of China using Indian soil. Finally the British transferred the entire production to Afghanistan in 1924 handing the production to southern Afghani tribals which after 90 years became the golden crescent of opium production. Though the production is in the hands of Afghan tribals the distribution finance market control is still exercised by the same old British business houses or their proxies.


Read full report here:


Anonymous ID: ccda9f May 23, 2020, 2:24 a.m. No.9285780   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5909


HSBC Bank’s East India Company Origins


The opium trade began in the early 1700s as an official monopoly of the British East India Company, which conquered India, and ran it on behalf of the British Crown and the financiers operating through the City of London. Indian-grown opium became a key component in the trade for tea and silk in China. The East India Company had a thriving business selling British textiles and other manufactured products in India, and selling Chinese silk and tea in Britain. But the Company ran into problems with the opium end of the trade. The influx of opium caused major problems for China, and led the Emperor to issue an edict in 1729 prohibiting opium consumption. Then, in 1757, the Emperor restricted all foreigners and foreign vessels to a trading area in the port city of Canton. A stronger edict in 1799 prohibited the importation and use of opium under penalty of death.


None of this stopped the British from continuing to flood China with opium, creating millions of addicts, but it did cause the East India Company to protect its tea and silk trade by shifting its Chinese opium operations to nominally independent drug runners who bought opium legally from the East India Company in Calcutta, and smuggled it into China. The most prominent of these drug-running firms was Jardine Matheson & Co. It was founded in 1832 by two Scotsmen, William Jardine and James Matheson. Jardine had been a ship’s surgeon with the East India Company, while Matheson was the son of a Scottish baronet. The firm today is controlled by the Keswick family. In 1839, the Chinese Emperor launched an anti-opium offensive, which included the confiscation of all opium stocks in the hands of Chinese and foreign merchants. The merchants put up a fight, but were ultimately forced to concede, turning in their opium stocks after being indemnified against losses by British officials.

Anonymous ID: ccda9f May 23, 2020, 2:44 a.m. No.9285817   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5820

Why does the symbol of the Chinese Triad Society

Look like the Latin numeral3?


Looks like westerners had a hand in its creation

Symbols will be their downfall

Anonymous ID: ccda9f May 23, 2020, 3:13 a.m. No.9285909   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Parsis: A small but vibrant community in 19th century


With their roots in Persia (present-day Iran), many Parsis fled to India in the 8th century to escape religious persecution, although some scholars debate that impetus.


Later, in the 19th century, alongside British traders, Parsis found their way from India to Hong Kong and then to Shanghai, where they formed a small but vibrant community, with their own associations, clubs and activities.


Parsis follow the teachings of the prophet Zarathustra, and consider fire a sacred element, which is why the religion is sometimes referred to as that of the “fire-worshippers” (拜火教), and their place of worship is called a fire temple.


I was able to conduct a series of lengthy conversations with a Shanghai-born Parsi, Jehangir Bejan (J.B.) Tata (1919-2013) and those interviews revealed much about the life of the Parsi community in old Shanghai.




Let's look into one person, Pestonjee Framjee

First, we find that he is a Bombay merchant

And owned one of the Parsee leading firms

At the advent of Exchange Banking


But does he have business affairs in Shanghai?

It seems that he does

See the extract from the 26th page (numbered 12)

From this PDF called The Chinese Repository


And now look what he did in Shanghai!

He formed a bank with a bunch of people

A very, very successful international bank

And apparently there may have been another Parsi director

Rustomjee Dunjeeshaw who accompanied the British

When they landed at Hong Kong and began to build

The first settlement there using Lascar laborers from India.


Read more here…


The Parsee involvement in the opium trade constituted an important component in the rise of Western Capital in Asia, the development of the Indian and Imperial economies, and the growth of Bombay and other colonial centers.

Anonymous ID: ccda9f May 23, 2020, 3:17 a.m. No.9285929   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5942



The Anons who know the board is under attack

Are the ones who are not posting to the board

It has been evident for much of the day

That somebody is unhappy with us.


I suspect Chinese Communist Party loyalists

Who are tied tightly to the international drug trade

Since the Opium Wars

So they do not like Trump's move to cut them out of the revenue stream

The USA will make its own medicines

Its own precursor chemicals used to make medicines

And its own vaccines supervised very closely

To begin with the military is supervising

But I expect it to be integrated into the OIG

Or something similar

Anonymous ID: ccda9f May 23, 2020, 4:57 a.m. No.9286379   🗄️.is 🔗kun




It is a page from a medieval manuscript of the Prose Edda.


I've managed to translate part of it, but with old manuscripts there are many versions and some are missing pieces, or changed in some way. Sometimes typos. Sometimes someone thought a different word would fit the story better.


Towards the end of the page…


Sól: sunna, röðull, eyglóa, alskír, sýni, fagrahvél, líknskin, Dvalins leika, álfröðull, ifröðull, mylin.


This is translated as follows in the boldface. The line just before that is missing from the image.


LV. "These names of the heavens are recorded (but we have not found all these terms in poems; and these skaldic terms, even as others, are not meet for use in skaldic writing, methinks, unless one first find such names in the works of Chief Skalds): Heaven, Hlýrnir, Heidthornir, Storm Mímir, Long-Lying, Light-Farer, Driving, Topmost Sky, Wide-Fathom, Vet-Mímir, Lightning, Destroyer, Wide-Blue. The solar planet is called Sun, Glory, Ever-Glow, All-Bright, Sight, Fair Wheel, Healing Ray, Dvalinn's Playmate, Elfin-Beam, Doubtful-Beam, Luminary. The lunar planet is called Moon, Waxer, Waner, Year-Teller, Mock-Sun, Fengari,[2] Glamour, Haster, Crescent, Glare.


This was tough because I don't know Old Norse and can barely read the paleography of the text. These poems are not well indexed on the web so searching for one of two words did not work. Possible google trims very infrequent matches from its db?


The verse is number 69 from the section named Skaldskaparmal

That is LXIX in Roman numerals and I wasted a lot of time searching one document for 69 when I should have tried LXIX first. Medieval is a clue.


Speaking of Qlues…


Dark to LIGHT

Dark Light


Here is something I picked up from a fren earlier and I used it on Social Media…


We must join TOGETHER to tell the TRUTH. WE are fighting a MONSTER of Darnkess who knows nothing but LIES.

You don’t fight darkness—bring the light, and darkness will disappear.

The Truth will illuminate the darkness, the light of truth always shines brightest in the dark.

No matter how dim a candle burns it will ALWAYS illuminate darkness.

Thousands [Millions] of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the single candle will not be diminished. TRUTH never decreases by being shared.

No matter how small your voice if you speak truth you will be heard.