>>9162213 pb
< Facebook Announces 'Hateful Memes Challenge' (Cap: >>9162230)pb
Is that current going rate for useful idiots to persist in their effort towards
violating the 1st Amendment Free Speech Rights of US Citizens?
Nancy got $8,000,000.00. Very useful idiots can even get much less than 100k.
>[NP 8:14 “——————— Pier 39…”]
>NP [4]$8,000,000Deutsche Bank USA
Why did [D]s push 'everything is fine' narrative early on [ex: Pelosi China town]?
Why did science board push [no need close China travel] narrative early on?
Why did [select] govs push COVID-19 positive elderly patients into nursing homes [most at risk_proven] when surplus of availability in hospitals [+ USNS_Comfort]?
Why are CDC numbers conflating COVID-19 deaths with influenza, pneumonia, other?
Why are influenza deaths at [all-time] historical low levels vs years past [outside of standard deviation]?
Why are COVID-19 tests returning positive results on pawpaw's and animals?
Why are [select] swing states undergoing heavy quarantine extensions?
Why are possible [treatments][cures] being prevented and attacked [USA]?
"Testing, Testing, Testing, Tracing, and Isolation." - [Pelosi]