Anonymous ID: 479272 May 23, 2020, 5:50 a.m. No.9286742   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Isn't it strange how these things happen?

Video should play ok when saved though.

I think it might be because the 8kun system doesn't recognize the video dimensions as standard. The video is very large to accommodate the image stabilization of the video panning left and right.

Original video deadmans switch of weird turkish style pizzagate bathhouse:

Anonymous ID: 479272 May 23, 2020, 6:01 a.m. No.9286804   🗄️.is 🔗kun







>Marriage is: one man, one woman

King David had many wives.

God described King David as his "friend".

Either God doesn't care, or is cool with him multiple sexual partners. Either way you're still a shill.


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BDS, Pilpul, USS Liberty, Protocols of Zion, Kroll Inc, Larry Silverstein, Dancing Israelis, Metzitzah B'peh, Herpes from circumcision, Eric Clopper Harvard, Bible: circumcision for Jews and slaves of Jews, Circumcision brain damage, Goyim, Kapparot, Tay-Sachs, Jesus according to Talmud, Yebhamot 11b, Simon of Trent, Blood Libel, Jews in pornography, Greg Lansky, Al Goldstein, Shiksa, Loxism, Jacob & Esau, New Haven Jewish slave markets, Black Hebrew Israelite, 70% of Jews v 1% of whites owned slaves, 109 countries, Bolshevik Revolution, Karl Marx, Moses Hess, Holodomor, Dresden Holocaust, Israeli Nukes, Samson Option, Wooden Doors, "Six Million Jews" in newspapers before Hitler, Martin H. Glynn, Dean Irebodd, Kevin MacDonald, David Cole, Anne Frank Typhus, Masturbation Machines, Bear & Eagle, Shitting Diamonds, TGSNT, David Irving, Magnus Hirschfeld, R@ygold, Epstein didn't kill himself, Sackler family, Sassoon family, Julius & Ethel Rosenberg, Bernie Madoff, גויים יודעים, אוי ואבוי, The Melting Pot: by Israel Zangweil, Poem on Statue of Liberty by Emma Lazarus, I'm not white I'm Jewish, Kalergi Plan & Prize, Frankfurt School, Barbara L. Spectre, Hart-Celler Act, Lavon Affair, Khazar Milkers נשים יהודיות אוהבות זין שחור גדול, Bilderberg Group, Henry Ford on Jews, Sabbatai Zevi, Star of Remphan, Gotthard Tunnel, Anton LaVay, Moloch, Black Cube, Red Shield, Sergeants Affair, King David Hotel, Irgun, Lehi, Nakam, Psy-Group, ADL, Mossad, AIPAC, JIDF, White Phosphorous, אסד עדיין חי, Deut 6:10, Rev 2:9 יָדַעְתִּי אֶת־מַעֲשֶׂיךָ וְאֶת־צָרָתְךָ וְאֶת־רֵישְׁךָ וְאוּלָם עָשִׁיר אָתָּה וְאֶת־גִּדּוּפֵי הָאֹמְרִים יְהוּדִים אֲנַחְנוּ וְאֵינָם כִּי אִם־כְּנֵסֶת הַשָּׂטָן, Das Judenthum in der Musik