Anonymous ID: 17012a May 23, 2020, 7:58 a.m. No.9287481   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7631

Democrat Presidential Candidate Joe Biden’s Charitable Organizations Refuse to Reveal Sources of their Funding (i.e. China)


Former Obama Vice President Joe Biden’s charitable organizations are reluctant to report where the money came from that supported their initiatives. Many now believe this reluctance is due to the fact that China is behind major donations to Biden’s organizations.


The Washington Free Beacon came out with a shocking report related to Joe Biden’s charitable groups. The University of Pennsylvania’s Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement, the domestic policy-focused Biden Institute at the University of Delaware and the Biden Cancer Initiative, all launched in 2017, are now reluctant to provide information on who is behind their donations.


All three entities have refused to reveal the sources of their funding, a potential landmine for the Democrats’ presumptive presidential nominee that raises questions about the influence of individual, corporate, and foreign donations on the presidential candidate.


The lack of transparency has drawn the attention of a watchdog group that is now demanding that the federal government investigate whether foreign money has flowed to the Biden Center in Philadelphia.

Anonymous ID: 17012a May 23, 2020, 8 a.m. No.9287504   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7751 >>7914 >>7970

US ‘will be IN TROUBLE’ if it makes ‘MISTAKE’ of interfering with Venezuela-bound tankers, Rouhani warns


The United States will face consequences if it takes action against Iranian tankers en route to Venezuela, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has vowed. It comes after the Venezuelan military said it would escort the ships to port.


“If our tankers in the Caribbean or anywhere in the world face trouble caused by the Americans, they [the United States] will also be in trouble,” Rouhani told Qatar’s Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani during a telephone conversation, Tasnim News reported.


He stressed that his country is not interested in escalation but would take necessary action to defend its sovereignty and safeguard its national interests. “We hope the Americans will not make a mistake,” he explained to Qatar’s head of state.


Five tankers transporting 1.5 million barrels of Iranian fuel to Venezuela are currently near the Caribbean, with the first ship scheduled to reach the country’s territorial waters by Sunday.

Anonymous ID: 17012a May 23, 2020, 8:03 a.m. No.9287528   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7751 >>7914

US tech giants still doing business with blacklisted Chinese companies, research firm claims


American behemoths such as Google, Amazon and Microsoft are providing web services to Chinese companies included in the infamous US Entity List, according to UK-based tech research firm Top10VPN.


“Despite the Trump administration’s efforts to decouple the American and Chinese technology sectors, the continued presence of American companies in more discreet settings shows that cooperation between the two remains,” the company, which specializes in digital privacy and security, said in a recent report.


Top10VPN alleges that the big tech provided the “core web services” required to power websites, including web and email hosting, and also content delivery networks (CDNs) that allow a user to download data faster. The services were provided not only for the blacklisted Chinese “surveillance” firms, but for “other highly controversial surveillance companies around the world,” too.

Anonymous ID: 17012a May 23, 2020, 8:06 a.m. No.9287552   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7563

US may conduct first nuclear weapons test in nearly 30 years


BEIRUT, LEBANON (5:00 P.M.) – The Washington Post, citing informed sources, reported this week that the United States has discussed the possibility of conducting its first nuclear test since 1992.


According to the publication, this issue was raised last Friday at a meeting of U.S. officials from departments and ministries concerned with national security issues, during which no agreement was reached on conducting the nuclear test.


One official told the newspaper that discussions were still ongoing, while another another source said that “it was finally decided to take other measures in response to the threats by Russia and China, but while avoiding the resumption of nuclear tests.”


The newspaper confirmed that the National Security Council at the White House refused to comment on this information.


A senior administration official indicated that the suggestion to Moscow and Beijing that the United States could conduct a “quick test” would give the United States an advantage in arms control negotiations that Washington wanted to conduct not only with Moscow, but with Beijing as well.


The newspaper points to the emergence of serious differences during the meeting over the idea of ​​a nuclear test.

Anonymous ID: 17012a May 23, 2020, 8:10 a.m. No.9287598   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Two ISIS leaders killed in US Coalition raid in eastern Syria


BEIRUT, LEBANON (3:30 P.M.) – The international coalition against the terrorist organization ISIS announced on Friday that two leaders of the aforementioned group’s leaders were killed after a joint operation with the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), in Deir Ezzor, eastern Syria.


In a statement released on Friday, the coalition said: “On May 17, the Syrian Democratic Forces raided an ISIS position in Deir Ezzor Governorate, and during the operation, two ISIS commanders, Ahmed Issa Ismail Al-Zawy and Ahmed Abd Muhammad Hassan al-Jughaifi, were killed during the operation.”


The Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA), at the same time, accused the U.S. of kidnapping a Syrian citizen during an operation near the Iraqi border.


The city of Deir Ezzor and its countryside suffered heavy damage throughout the Syrian conflict as it remained one of the most contended areas for years.


According to the Russian military, the local authorities are ready to rebuild the city on their own, but there are not enough people for this.

Anonymous ID: 17012a May 23, 2020, 8:12 a.m. No.9287619   🗄️.is 🔗kun

EXCLUSIVE: After Attorney Obtains Evidence US Government Has Communications Between Seth Rich and WikiLeaks – DOJ Again Refuses Request to Perform Additional Search


In June 2016, Ellen Nakashima, a Deep State favorite from the Washington Post, released a report that the Democrat National Committee (DNC) had been hacked by Russia. The firm that validated this was Crowdstrike and its President Shawn Henry confirmed the claims. In December 2016, Ms. Nakashima followed up her reporting with the outlandish claim that the CIA had determined that Russia hacked the DNC because they wanted Trump to win the election. Nakashima also reported that the the Intel Community had determined that Russia also sent the emails to WikiLeaks. This position was reinforced by the Mueller gang in their efforts to have President Trump removed from office.


WikiLeaks did release DNC emails related to John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Manager, in the months before the 2016 Presidential election which showed massive corruption combined with an elitist attitude from members of the Hillary Clinton team – all willing to do whatever it took to win the election.

Anonymous ID: 17012a May 23, 2020, 8:16 a.m. No.9287648   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Himmler’s Fake ID Papers That Helped Arrest SS Head in 1945 Come to Light


Heinrich Himmler, one of the most powerful Nazis in the Third Reich, committed suicide by swallowing a cyanide capsule on 23 May 1945, one day after he was captured in Germany by Soviet soldiers.


Fake ID papers used by Nazi SS leader Heinrich Himmler in an attempt to flee Germany in May 1945 have been donated to the Military Intelligence Museum in the UK town of Shefford, the BBC reports.


The documents, which were unearthed 75 years after Himmler’s death, have recently been handed over to the museum by the great niece of Lieutenant-Colonel Sidney Noakes, a lawyer who joined the UK Intelligence Corps in 1943.


The papers are expected to be put on display after the planned reopening of the museum, which was closed due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

Anonymous ID: 17012a May 23, 2020, 8:19 a.m. No.9287680   🗄️.is 🔗kun

People and events that shaped D-Day: The Massacre of Slapton Sands


The events of D-Day on June 6, 1944, were the result of years of careful planning, deception, good luck, and setbacks. As we near another D-Day anniversary, it is important to understand what transpired before the massive invasion of Normandy. Here are a few highlights that you may have never heard about:


The Tragedy and Massacre at Slapton Sands


In April 1944, in Slapton Sands, Devon, Allied troops conducted a large-scale mock invasion to prepare for the inevitable invasion of Normandy. The training operation was dubbed Exercise Tiger and involved over 30,000 men.


On April 27, a large Allied beach landing was planned. General Eisenhower had ordered British battleships to shell the beach with live rounds, right up until the landing craft landed, in an attempt to prepare soldiers for what they would encounter in Normandy. At the last minute, the invasion was pushed back an hour. But of course, not all of the invasion units learned of this schedule change, resulting in some Higgins boats landing on the beach early and being hit by friendly fire.


The next piece of this story is made up of rumors and cover-ups and has never been confirmed or verified by the United States Government. According to eye-witness accounts and documented stories, the roleplaying defenders on the beach, who were also Allied soldiers, used live ammunition during the training exercise.


Some say that Eisenhower had ordered the defenders to have live ammunition and to shoot over the soldiers’ heads. Others claim that the roleplayers were supposed to be given dummy rounds, but accidentally were supplied with live rounds. The story goes that the soldiers were mowed down on the beach, resulting in the death of somewhere between 300 to 450 soldiers. Yet, as aforementioned, this story is strictly hear-say and has never been officially confirmed.

Anonymous ID: 17012a May 23, 2020, 8:23 a.m. No.9287712   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7751 >>7851 >>7914

Hotly contested NM red flag gun law takes effect


When New Mexico lawmakers approved a temporary firearm seizure bill in February, they had little idea it would take effect during a pandemic.


Despite the upheaval caused by the coronavirus outbreak, the Extreme Risk Firearm Protection Order Act – or red flag gun law – is one of 46 new state laws that take effect Wednesday.


While some law enforcement agencies have been researching the law and developing plans for its implementation, at least one county sheriff said there’s been a lack of guidance from the state’s judicial branch.


“Once again, New Mexico has passed a law but given no direction” on how it should be applied, San Juan County Sheriff Shane Ferrari said. The sheriff said he received three calls Tuesday from other law enforcement officers seeking more clarity about the red flag gun law.


However, Rep. Joy Garratt, D-Albuquerque, who co-sponsored this year’s bill, said Tuesday that she has been impressed by the amount of groundwork done and believes most law enforcement officials will abide by the new law. She also predicted it will be used rarely.

Anonymous ID: 17012a May 23, 2020, 8:29 a.m. No.9287761   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The UN Wants You to Stop Using These 14 “Offensive” Words (And Other Weekly News Straight Out of “1984”)


Are you ready for this week’s absurdity? Here’s our Friday roll-up of the most ridiculous stories from around the world that are threats to your liberty, risks to your prosperity… and on occasion, inspiring poetic justice.

The United Nations takes a page from 1984 with a list of offensive words


According to the United Nations, the word “wife” is apparently offensive to some people. So is “husband”.


Their reasoning? Those words are not gender-neutral. So to “create a more equal world,” the UN has published an initial list of 14 words they want you to stop using… as well as the acceptable substitute.


The word manpower is offensive, naturally, because it relies on the base “man”. And anything that has to do with a man is offensive and terrible in this new world of ours.


So instead of “manpower”, the UN wants you to say “workforce”.


Same with congressman. Though frankly the word ‘congress’ should be far more offensive than ‘man’. But nevertheless, the UN wants you to say ‘legislator’.


Instead of husband or wife, the UN wants you to say “spouse.”

Anonymous ID: 17012a May 23, 2020, 8:33 a.m. No.9287795   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7914

Washington officials admit to counting gunshot victims as COVID-19 deaths


Washington epidemiologists have admitted that multiple victims of gunshot wounds who had also been diagnosed with coronavirus have been counted as COVID-19 deaths, although they say deaths from the virus are still likely being undercounted in the state.


Epidemiologists with the Washington State Department of Health said that the "number of nuances" in coronavirus data makes it difficult to render a quick assessment in the cause of death. The state is currently counting anyone that dies with COVID-19 in its death toll.


"We currently do have some deaths that are being reported that are clearly from other causes. We have about 5 deaths less than 5 deaths that we know of that are related to obvious other causes. In this case, they are from gunshot wounds," said Dr. Katie Hutchison, Health Statistics Manager for the Washington State Department of Health.

Anonymous ID: 17012a May 23, 2020, 8:36 a.m. No.9287824   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7845

President Trump tells Sharyl Attkisson: ‘I have a chance to break the deep state,’ in exclusive interview


On Friday, award-award-winning investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson sat with President Donald Trump for an interview set to air in full on Sunday.


While the interview hadn’t yet aired as of Saturday morning, Attkisson had begun releasing snippets and teasers from it, including one bombshell teaser regarding the president’s ongoing war with the so-called “deep state” of Obama-era operatives who’ve been working against him since before he’d even stepped into office.


“If it keeps going the way it’s going, I have a chance to break the deep state. It’s a vicious group of people,” the president reportedly said during the interview.


He was likely referencing the latest bombshells concerning the improper investigation into and prosecution of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.


The bombshells have shown, among other things, that a slew of Obama administration officials sought in late 2016 and early 2017 to unmask Flynn’s name. One of those officials then leaked the findings to the press.

Anonymous ID: 17012a May 23, 2020, 8:40 a.m. No.9287867   🗄️.is 🔗kun

KEK…What happened to the second wave…..Seems somebody is losing control of the situation..kek


US could be coronavirus-free by late September, scientists say


The US could finally be free of the coronavirus in late September, and the whole world can expect to put the pandemic behind them in December, says a group of scientists in Singapore.


A mathematical model created by the Singapore University of Technology and Design is allowing the scientists to predict the future of the virus using data from already confirmed cases and deaths around the world.


Based on “a predictive-monitoring” technique, the model inputs global data which is converted to a bar chart. A curve over the top of the chart displays the trajectory of the disease. At the end of April, predictions showed that the US would be virus-free by Sept. 20 and the UK could see the end of the coronavirus by Aug. 27.


Scientists at the university cautioned that their dates were not exact and that the predictions should not lead to hasty ends of lockdowns around the world.

Anonymous ID: 17012a May 23, 2020, 8:47 a.m. No.9287908   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Never-Ending List of Allegations Against Mexico’s Former Top Cop


The former head of Mexico’s federal police has been implicated in a money laundering scheme that moved millions in suspected bribes from drug traffickers. This is just the latest revelation showing the staggering collusion between Genaro García Luna and the criminal groups he was supposed to fight.


An architect of Mexico’s controversial militarized response to organized crime, García Luna is alleged to have moved over $50 million in bribes from drug traffickers through 11 different tax havens around the world, according to an exclusive investigation from Univision.

Anonymous ID: 17012a May 23, 2020, 8:56 a.m. No.9287984   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump Appoints Big Pharma Exec Connected to Bill Gates to Head Vaccine Developments


15 May 2020


On Friday, Donald Trump announced his appointment of Moncef Slaoui, a former executive with vaccine manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline, to lead “Operation Warp Speed”, Trump’s plan to fast track the development of vaccines for COVID-19. Slaoui will serve in a volunteer position, assisted by Army Gen. Gustave Perna, the commander of United States Army Materiel Command.


According to the Trump administration, Operation Warp Speed program is focusing on four vaccines, with the hopes of testing and producing 100 million doses by October 2020, 200 million by December, and 300 million doses by January. At Friday’s press conference, Slaoui said he believes the goal of vaccines by January 2021 is a “credible goal”. Secretary of Defense Mark Esper was more adamant, stating that, “winning matters and we will deliver, by the end of this year, a vaccine