Anonymous ID: 259626 May 23, 2020, 8:40 a.m. No.9287863   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Just a thought, but regarding the Ds attempt for Impeachment Round 2 we know they’re gearing up for, I think the timing of it may be really interesting. We saw Nancy “Fancy ice cream for me, but not for thee” Pelosi hold the last set of articles to time it with the first case of Wuhan Flu in the States. Seems too coincidental to consider it any other way than the Ds wanted to distract POTUS from the scamdemic and then use it later to bludgeon him leading up to the election. That’s failed spectacularly, as Trump has shown he can still walk, chew gum, and grab Melania’s ass at the same time without stumbling like Joe “Sniffing Hair Because I Care” Biden.


We know they’re gearing up for Round 2, but the timing has me piqued. Call it a hunch, but given the recent comments from Mitch “The Turtle” McConnell about quickly pushing through a SCOTUS pick before the election, I suspect we may see a SCOTUS slot opening up shortly. Obvious money is on Ruth “12 years old is old enough to consent” Ginsburg, but it could be someone else. Odds are it will be a liberal vote, thus making Trump’s pick key to flipping the court for a good, long time.


Anyway, if I am correct, and I’m not claiming I am, but IF, you can expect to see the Ds dropping articles of impeachment at that time to delay the Senate hearings and vote. Goal would be to push the final vote past the Nov elections in the hope that the D candidate can take it (they won’t) and hopefully render the choice moot. Obviously, Trump and Mitch will push through any candidate through before Trump leaves office, but it doesn’t stop the Ds from trying. Also, if the Supreme Court is on the ballot, it will galvanize supporters on both sides to get out and vote, but I suspect Trump’s side will overwhelm, especially if it’s a pick to overturn Roe v Wade once and for all.


Just my two cents.