Anonymous ID: cbf96b May 23, 2020, 7:45 a.m. No.9287390   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7447

Durham’s job is so hard


It’s important how many bandwagon patriots there were in early 2017 grandstanding on Flynn’s grave. Everything that is Bob Mueller’s fraudulent investigation rides on Flynn. Think back to 2017 and all the Republicans tut-tutting about Russia, and their deep concern and grave intonations.


Jensen’s review, precipitated by the two false FISAs, and resulting in DOJ dismissing charges, is like a dam that has burst. Suddenly, it’s patently obvious even to the most bitter left wing fever swamp partisan that the “conspiracy theory” is now a conspiracy FACT. (They just don’t care because they hate the President , so anything goes. See also: Judge Sullivan)


Anyway, now that the dam has burst, the data is flooding out. It’s like any secret that gets out. Once the story collapses, everyone even remotely involved starts dumping what they knew about it either to save face or cash in.


The FBI probably has another “302 problem” where what they claimed does not match what was actually said.


People like Rice who are demanding the transcripts be released are doing what Schiff did a couple of weeks ago. Grandstanding, trying to inflate their personal protective bubble, and hoping for goodness sake nobody actually reads the transcript.


What Grenell is saying about the rest of the transcripts is that if you read them together, the FBI’s selective edits become apparent. Flynn was doing his job, did nothing wrong, and the FBI did a version of NBC editing the George Zimmerman 911 call.


I’ll also be interested to see if the IC has their own intercept of the Kislyak call via NSA that we can match up to whatever summary or cut the FBI produced.


Anyway, the IG Report was an earthquake portrayed by the media as a mouse fart, but the result was the DOJ and FISA Court determining the FBI had illegally obtained those warrants. The resulting Jensen review and DOJ dismissal are seismic shocks, too. It has Washington rattled. The media has no idea how to report it without revealing their own complicity and without admitting the whole Mueller thing was a fraud.


The dam has burst. Expect a lot more Johnny Come Lately’s to come forward and talk about how they suspected this all along…and gosh what a shame it was…and they were the lone voice of reason…etc.


The Obamaites will of course claim there’s a cover-up going on, and that additional declassification prove Trump is covering up. Yeah, it’s crazy, but consider their base.


Like I tell the Progs on the blogs who try to argue this stuff, “Every single thing you think you know was told to you by the same people who testified under oath to Congress that everything they said on TV was a lie.”


We’re going to find out we were wrong about some things. That’s okay. It tells us why Durham’s job is so hard…