Anonymous ID: 28b99e May 23, 2020, 9:12 a.m. No.9288116   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>9287724 lb

>I'm on year 5 with this one specific person.

>Everytime I think I make ground, few months later it's as if we never talked about it.

It has taken me 10 years with my boomer friend. He's still cynical but he now calls me to see what I think of something going on. He's having a very hard time understanding that libs and especially crazy libs are not the majority (he's old and watches tv a lot)

Really, the key is not to TELL, but to ask questions that inherently point out the contradictions, sort of like the facebook meme that says:

If we're letting prisoners out because of CV

and masks work

then why aren't we just giving them masks?


I may have mangled that, but you get the idea.

That question is a SEED. Seeds grow roots FIRST, then the sprout starts growing. You can't see the roots growing (neither can they), but seeds like that one have the effect of that person's unconscious recognizing instances of that false dichotomy, which will build up as their mind processes it while they sleep.

That sprout will break through. Some people process info at a slower pace than maybe you or I do.