Anonymous ID: c999b2 May 23, 2020, 9:29 a.m. No.9288265   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8302 >>8349

>>9286751 (/lb)

>Judge orders Los Angeles to move thousands of homeless



The judge must have been a strange sight as he walked in the early morning darkness through the vast homeless camp.


Judge Carter has been on the homeless problem for years. In 2018 he shut down the camp by Angel's stadium in Anaheim, CA.


We will see what happens in LA this year, but I remember 2018 and what happened in Orange County. When the encampment was cleared by Angel Stadium the homeless just moved down through Orange County. Many ended up in San Clemente where they overtook the parks and beaches. Families couldn't take children to play or swim as open drug use and obscene behavior by the homeless was rampant.