Anonymous ID: 1ea3e3 April 6, 2018, 7:19 p.m. No.929448   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9482

Is Pope Francis the final pope?


That is too early to tell for sure. But if he is, he will be an antipope and the final Antichrist.


But if he is, his age would suggest that there is not a lot of time left. But also because of his age, it may be that he will not be the last pope.


Now, according to Catholic prophecy:


An antipope will arise, and could/should be the current Pope Francis.

A pope will hold an ecumenical council that satisfies heretics and results in a more ecumenical religion being accepted.

The vast majority of Catholics will accept the antipope.

A pope that performs miracles will arise.

People around the world will accept the faith that this miracle-performing pope endorses.

A pope that supports the “Great Monarch/Prince of the North” will arise.

The Great Monarch, that the pope supports, will eliminate the Anglo-descended nations.

The “Great Monarch/Prince of the North,” that the pope supports, will eliminate an Islamic confederation.

A pope will reign with the Great Monarch for around four years.

The destruction of Rome comes after tribulations that a pope oversees.

Armies from lands, including Russia and Asia, will gather in Armageddon

A great judge comes after Rome is destroyed.

Anonymous ID: 1ea3e3 April 6, 2018, 7:22 p.m. No.929482   🗄️.is đź”—kun


According to certain understandings of the Malachy prophecy, Pope Francis is the last pope and if other Catholic prophecies are correct, those events will happen under his pontificate.


Thus, if all of those are true, Pope Francis will be an antipope, he will compromise the religion of the Church of Rome, the vast majority of Catholics will accept this modified faith, the tribulation will begin while he is pontiff, Rome will be destroyed towards the end of his pontificate, and a great judge will come.


On the other hand, if the Malachy list is not complete, then we will need to wait for another pontiff/religious leader to fulfill some or all of the above.


Do these Catholic private prophecies have any relationship to biblical prophecy?


According to Bible prophecy:


A false religious leader will arise.

This false leader will encourage an ecumenical faith.

The vast majority of humankind will accept this improper faith.

A false religious leader will perform signs and lying wonders.

Nearly all humankind will be deceived by signs and lying wonders.

The final Antichrist will promote the final “Beast/King of the North” that the Bible warns against.

The “Beast/King of the North,” that the Antichrist supports will destroy the Anglo-descended nations.

The “Beast/King of the North,” will destroy an Arabic confederation.

The Great Tribulation and Day of the Lord last 3 ½ years.

A few years after the start of the Great Tribulation, Rome will be destroyed.

Jesus will come after Rome is destroyed.