Anonymous ID: 60f131 May 23, 2020, 11:26 a.m. No.9289078   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9098 >>9107 >>9145 >>9257 >>9436 >>9501 >>9565

Boatfag Report


A quick look on the scope shows 4 possible targets with tracks that seem to correlate to the last known courses of the five Iranian tankers the Boatfag team has had under observation for the past few days. Cap shows these 4 tankers.


An analysis to generate the tankers' estimated positions was done a couple of days ago based on last known information. While it's an estimate based partly on guess-work (a little bit like doing ASW from a surface ship), those estimates are fairly solid assuming the target acts the way you expect it to act. In this case, we know two of the tankers took more southerly initial courses out of Gibraltar down the West African coast near the Canary Islands, and if they continue on that track they will have to take a bit more west-south-westerly track to make the run to Venezuela. That being said, they will probably be the later arrivals (if that is the case) due to distances traveled. The other three tankers were on a more directly southwesterly course to Venezuela when tracking was lost.


Assuming we're not being deked by Rouhani, his statement that the Iranian tankers are going "through the Carribean" and the "first should be arriving in Venezuelan territorial waters on Sunday'' mostly matches up with the estimate, with potentially the earliest pick up of their lead ship either later tonight or early tomorrow morning.


Assuming no changes in courses or speeds, the ships should arrive on the scope around Venezuela in the following order:


  1. Fortune (tonite or tomorrow)

  2. Forest (Tuesday)

  3. Petunia (Wed-Thur)

  4. Faxon (Wed-Thur)

  5. Clavel (Fri-Sat)


No guarantees that all of them will transit through the Windward Islands, it is possible that two of them will come in a more westerly course below Trinidad & Tobago.



Anonymous ID: 60f131 May 23, 2020, 11:55 a.m. No.9289354   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9489 >>9511 >>9565 >>9587



Noice work! I checked him an hour ago and got bupkis.


Wow, at least the Clavel took the (shorter) circle route. Didn't look like that was her track a few days ago. She's been well within easy US air surveillance coverage for at least two days.


Planefags, got anything going on over the Carribean?

Anonymous ID: 60f131 May 23, 2020, 12:02 p.m. No.9289404   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9436 >>9501 >>9565



You believe this shit? It's still showing Clavel east of Madeira for me.


You're the man on tracking, cause I got shit from


Are you gonna be up NightShift? I'm planning to cover from about 9pm EST to around 1am.

Anonymous ID: 60f131 May 23, 2020, 12:19 p.m. No.9289539   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9571



Dunno if any PFs are up right now, but a scramble prolly isn't needed. It would make sense, though, to get a note up for your team to pay some attention to this sector for the next couple days.


If my brother Boatfag's report is right (no reason to think it isn't), the Iranian ships could well be coming in to Venezuela from multiple points on the compass. Brit VI heading south, southwest passing below Barbados and possibly a bit farther out east on a more WSW heading below Trinidad to the Venezuelan Atlantic coast.


Makes sense, actually. Looks like they're gonna try to sneak in from all points of the compass they can.