Anonymous ID: 958c5d May 23, 2020, 11:04 a.m. No.9288894   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9084 >>9257 >>9436 >>9501 >>9565

Trump mulls forming panel to investigate anti-conservative bias on social media: report


President Trump is considering creating a panel to oversee complaints of bias against conservatives by social media platforms in a move that would likely spark pushback from tech companies.


The plans are still being mulled, people familiar with the matter told The Wall Street Journal, but options could include the creation of a formal White House commission on the allegations.


"Left-wing bias in the tech world is a con­cern that definitely needs to be addressed from our vantage point, and at least exposed [so] that Americans have clear eyes about what we're dealing with," a White House official told The Journal.


Trump has repeatedly railed against social media companies over allegations that they suppress conservative voices, an accusation the platforms protest.


The president accused platforms in 2019 of "tremendous dishonesty, bias, discrimination and suppression practiced by certain companies."


"We will not let them get away with it much longer," he tweeted.


Conservative groups have for years said their content is disproportionately subjected to bias in search rank­ings and news feeds, and even deleted in a practice known as "shadow banning."


The news of the possible committee comes at a time of tension between Washington and Silicon Valley as the Justice Department prepares to sue Google for al­leged an­titrust vi­o­la­tions.

Anonymous ID: 958c5d May 23, 2020, 11:10 a.m. No.9288967   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9083 >>9084 >>9103 >>9112 >>9257 >>9436 >>9501 >>9565

Amy Klobuchar Confession : Hydroxychloroquine Saved her Husband’s Life


Hydroxychloroquine Contraversy


Amidst attacks by the Lame Stream media on Trump, Giuliani and pretty much anyone with a differing opinion, Amy Klobuchar admits Hydroxychloroquine saved her husband’s life.


Trump admitted he takes a regimine of Zinc and Hydroxychloroquine as a preventative measure. Prescribed to him by the White House physician, President Trump stands by his thoughts on the now-contraversial drug.


America’s Mayor, Rudy Giuliani fought media backlash when he said simply the decision on what drugs people should be taking should be between the patient and the doctor.


And in recent news, State Rep. Karen Whitsett is facing a censure for simply admitting she took Hydroxychloroquine, believes it saved her life, and thanked Donald Trump.


Giuliani stated “Doctors should decide if we use hydroxychloroquine NOT the national bureaucracy.” He also stated that “Dr. Oz defends efficacious use of hydroxychloroquine early. Says side effects are nil.”