Anonymous ID: bace68 May 23, 2020, 11:09 a.m. No.9288955   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8981 >>8991


It’s dangerous for friends to have initials that include only the letters A through F. And think of all those relevant digits you observe. Q knows I was given access to the output of an RNG influenced by aliens since over 20 years ago.


The techno dweebs on the backend know whether it’s contrived or actually influenced by aliens. And this goes for the numeric information given out in dreams as well.


Most likely Q is aware of the ways in which the human mind can influence random number generators. Like all entropy it’s impossible to know if the results are contrived by aliens, however.


Only the top clearances such as Q (DOE) know about our comms with aliens. But we should be thankful that Q disclosed the truth: the govt knows we aren’t alone in the universe.

Anonymous ID: bace68 May 23, 2020, 11:19 a.m. No.9289038   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9045 >>9071 >>9090 >>9231


I can speculate like any other anon.


Q says that certain intel would cause worldwide mass suffering. My guess is that malicious aliens really do have torture spaceships that keep human nervous systems alive perpetually.


All that is needed to make a technological hell is: immortality technology and free energy (fusion for instance), a spaceship that self-heals and roams the galaxies for billions and billions of years. All while perpetually torturing an ever-growing flock of human nervous systems in unimaginably horrifying ways.


Q probably knows that such things do exist in the vastness of space.

Anonymous ID: bace68 May 23, 2020, 11:23 a.m. No.9289062   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9122


Some drugs open up the mind to possibilities that our feeble brains can’t handle. For instance if you are staring into a black hole that stretches out time to infinity, where you’d be alone for all of eternity, what would that do to your mind on drugs?

Anonymous ID: bace68 May 23, 2020, 11:33 a.m. No.9289131   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9184 >>9308 >>9343 >>9509


I bet the military knows or has evidence of life after death in the form of measuring the physical transferral of sentience to non-matter forms after the body dies. This is what religious folks call the soul.


Aliens, with the full capability to capture these souls, can probably enslave humans onto a non-organic substrate. Humans, being that they destroy earth’s environment, are probably being measured for their resource utilization and carbon footprint versus their contribution to bettering the species. The techno lords of Silicon Valley probably have deals with the ET’s to algorithmically size up the populate to determine who should be allowed to live and prosper and who should be eliminated through primarily covert means. And it’s conceivable that the ET’s would capture the souls of the sacrificed excesses to teach or torture them.


Given what Q has told us, I’d guess that there are definitely evil aliens out there who want to torture humans and that the government is in contact with good aliens who want to save us from this fate.

Anonymous ID: bace68 May 23, 2020, 11:34 a.m. No.9289156   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9170 >>9558


Except Q literally did say that we aren’t alone. And what would put 99% of the people in the hospital (we don’t have that high of hospital capacity) if they knew? Genocide isn’t the reason.

Anonymous ID: bace68 May 23, 2020, 11:44 a.m. No.9289250   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9319


A logical explanation for the similar but often conflicting experiences of disparate religious persuasions is that our anti-entropy brains exist in a kind of time-independent universe relative to our shared universe. A grand intelligence would have the capacity to concoct sunsets of ‘truth’, for instance, you and your friends and your tribe are all part of the same Church. But you’re all channeling to some infinite good, potentially outside of (or implicit to the entirety of) the observable universe. In other words, religious beliefs are a human created manifestation of a connection to a higher intelligence, customized for your limited perceptual abilities.