Anonymous ID: c4fa12 May 23, 2020, 11:07 a.m. No.9288921   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8936


As yet another actor (Tim Matheson) adds his ten cents in saying the GOP are a terrorist organisation - a major comprehension issue I have with this 'show' that we are told was a long time in planning.... the 'supposed' lack of substantial allies in the information war's main theatres.


In politics, Trump is still worldwide regarded as a fool or worse, a lethally dangerous fool. Try to get any International.politician to defend his record or his philosophy in public - impossible, political suicide.

In news media..... well we all know how that's progressing.

Music, movies, TV.... fully weighted on the Cabal, Globalist Democrat side.


Now, you'd think such a long term Awakening military precision plan would have planned a substantial Infiltration of the Infiltration, as if were.

You'd be expecting some quite influential and famous Opinion Formers would be emerging to guide people to a turning in the road.

Maybe a sizeable number will start emerging from the shadows, but they are leaving it very late. Election is November, and from what I'm experiencing, the tide isn't remotely close to changing. The majority are still oblivious and still aggressively opposed to any encouragements to modify their views.