The lying left
A communist soul has no spirituality. It doesn't believe in a heaven or hell. This explains why lying is not a really a problem for a communist. They believe it will have no consequences. When they die they are gone, they think. But communists do want to believe in something. Something big. So without religion and spirituality there was only one other option for them, a one world government. This is their master and religion, and anything that goes against it (nationalism) will be seen as a serious threat (TDS symptoms..). This is also why communists often have government related jobs.
A liberal is weak. It requires strength and discipline to take a stand for Truth. So in conflict the liberal will usually take the easy way out just to avoid negative responses from others, even if that means going with a lie. Liberals do have some spirituality, therefore they often balance/struggle between the communists (one world government), and God (nationalists).