Anonymous ID: 49c02a May 23, 2020, 3:07 p.m. No.9291026   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>9287828 (LB or PB)

>>9287758 (LB or PB)


Also: Good news! With the advent of COVID-19 apparently the USA basically cured all other causes of death!

(sarcasm detected above)

My point is; People were not / have not been paying attention (obviously) to the fact of how many people die in a normal year

from Pneumonia. (which is always a number hovering around the current number of so called COVID deaths.)

anons and concerned people know this obviously but the avg Joe on the street is so vulnerable to the fear mongering

that they freak over the numbers of deaths not realizing how normal these numbers actually are and that people on a yearly basis basically don't freak out about such numbers because the CDC doesn't tout them so publicly.

If we subtract all the NORMAL flu cases and Pneumonia deaths (from bacterial and community acquired etc) the number of deaths from COVID is even lower still.


Ultimately my point is how SIMPLE it is for a few talking heads with advanced degrees and authority to convince us of whatever narrative they wish to. The onus of proof is ON THEM and yet (literally) they have not proven anything or VERY LITTLE of anything they are saying. They're constantly touting how complex their science is (the PCR etc) and yet at every important juncture of whatever portion of the timeline we want to examine THEY Presume. They project numbers and guess, they presume diagnoses and Guess and they take your temperature and ask if you're coughing and they guess. What good is any test (which is also a glorified guess) if at every turn there is (included) another guess.


The American people (and the world)

must demand they prove what they are GUESSING before we hand them the keys to everything for another day.


>>9287758 (LB or PB) said:


Not sure why the CDC says "new coronavirus". Birx used the phrase, "influenza-like" at the press conference yesterday.


"About a third of coronavirus cases are asymptomatic, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in guidance for mathematical modelers and public health officials. The "current best estimate" for the percent of positive cases that are asymptomatic is 35%, but the CDC says that number could change as more data becomes available.


The CDC says the new coronavirus can be transmitted by people who have not yet experienced symptoms or who never experience symtoms."

Influenza-like illness” (ILI), also called “flu-like illness,” is a more wide-ranging category. The CDC says that with ILI, you have a fever of at least 100 F and a cough or sore throat, but the cause of the symptoms isn’t known.


The flu is diagnosed from a swab test of your nose or throat. Flu-like illness is a clinical diagnosis, meaning it doesn’t involve an official test. A doctor simply decides by examining you."



>>9287828 (LB or PB) said:


All that those tests do is check for specific RNA fragments

Found in SARS-CoV-2


If an evil scientist with a box of CRISPR Went to work on Yersinia pestis bacteria The PLAGUE virus

It would not be too hard to insert DNA fragments


That would manufacture the SARS RNA fragments Searched for in the test. Then the cells under attack by the Black Death

Form exosomes And eject foreign RNA fragments Into the bloodstream or into the lungs


Along comes a swab

And a simple test that looks for one thing only


But, how do all the countries using anti-malaria drugs succeed If plague bacteria are the culprit?

Because they add an antibiotic like Azithromycin or Doxycycline


Used to be that doctors would test for more than one thing

Nowadays they seem to be sure there can only be one

And so they find that one

Anonymous ID: 49c02a May 23, 2020, 3:18 p.m. No.9291110   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I say the judge has something he doesn't want out.

Like the glossies he found on the bed beside him after he woke up in a private bedroom at that Party after drinking the free koolaid