Where does ' contact tracing ' end and correction of " Wrongthink " begin ?
a U.N. organization - declared in its pamphlet, MENTAL HEALTH AND WORLD CITIZENSHIP, that "prejudice, hostility or excessive nationalism may become deeply imbedded in the developing personality without awareness on the part of the individual concerned.
"Principles of mental health cannot be successfully furthered in any society unless there is progressive acceptance of the concept of world citizenship." the document states. "Programs for social change to be effective require a joint effort of psychiatrists and social scientists, working together in cooperation with statesmen, administrators and others in positions of responsibility.''
Maj. Gen. G.B. Chisholm, Deputy Minister of Health In Canada - who later became director of United Nations World Health Organization - explained, "Self defense may involve a neurotic reaction when it means defending one's own excessive material wealth from others who are in great need. This attitude leads to war." So his solution to the problem is: Let's redistribute the wealth among everyone.
Further, the reinterpretation and eventual eradication of the individual's concept of right and wrong - which has been the basis of child training - are the belated objectives of practically all effective psychotherapies. Now, if we digress even further, to Buria (phonetic spelling), the director of the Soviet Secret Police, in the 1930s, we see that he explained the communist political strategy through the use of "mental healings" of psychiatry: