>>9289797 lb
>>9290357 lb
>>9290384 lb
Quinine is not the same as chloroquine
Don't make medical decision based on guesses
Use the facts available at Pubmed
You will find that quinine does help with skin conditions
So you are doing the right thing for that
And it also has some effect on viruses
As do other antimalarial drugs with a quinoline group
However, testing all these drugs against some common viruses
Showed that there are differences
And Hydroxychloroquine is most effective against Coronaviruses
How often do you have such a virus?
Probably better to save the bark
And only brew it up when you feel a cold or flu coming on.
As to Wormwood
Artemisia absinthium
It contains thujones which do kill worms
If you have worms
Most humans don't
Check Pubmed and you will find thujones are also good at other things
But stopping viruses is not one of them
For that you need a related plant
Either the African Artemisia afra
Grown widely as an antimalaria treatment
Or the Chinese Artemisia annua
Which is sometimes grown in North America too.
These two plants are rich in artemisinin
And that does kill viruses
And in Africa, several countries now use that
As their go-to COVID19 treatment
However, SARS-CoV-2 is treated even better
If you add to the antimalaria drug
Vitamin C in large doses several 1000 mg daily
Zinc — take two or three chemical forms for better absorption
Antibiotic — both Azithromycin and doxycycline are in use in different countries
The first two are readily available to everyone
And most people know that you should take Zinc
Every day in cold/flu season
As well as extra Vitamin C
It is not the bitter taste that is good for you
It is the facts
With so much factual info available on the Internet
From medical researchers
You have a choice
Get educated or stay dumb and hope that your STAR is right
My advice is DO NOT FOLLOW THE STARS even on YouTube
Get educated because it is easier than you think
And we need educated voters to lobby politicians
To make better decisions about health issues.