Anonymous ID: 95e207 May 23, 2020, 1:53 p.m. No.9290398   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0442 >>0532 >>0709 >>0789 >>0927 >>1104



>>9289651 Andrew Weissmann to Part Ways With MSNBC Over Biden Fundraiser

>>9289669 Amazon, Google, Microsoft Among US Companies Offering Internet Services To Blacklisted Surveillance Companies In China

>>9289688 Dems Block China Investigation Even After Communist Regime Threatens U.S. Senators by Name

>>9289804 Obama, Clinton Foundation Donors Sold ‘Green’ Fuel to Military for $149 per Gallon San Francisco’s Solazyme also received millions in stimulus funds from DOE from 2015

>>9289841 Adam Schiff Asks DNI to Declassify Flynn’s Phone Calls With Russians

>>9289881 Small business group takes out full-page Wall Street Journal ad accusing Fauci of 'causing too much unneeded pain

>>9289896 Protests against Netanyahu to take place across Israel

>>9289905 FakeNewsCNN codes:

>>9289958 John Solomon It’s that time: Millions of cicadas emerging from 17-year cycle to scream, mate, die

>>9289963 CDC Rushes Out Pandemic Guidance For Religious Worship After Surprise Trump Announcement

>>9289970 Big government fail: Washington state unemployment fraud loses ‘hundreds of millions

>>9290007 Carrie Severino: Far-left Obama-appointed judge launches political attack on conservative Federalist Society



Anonymous ID: 95e207 May 23, 2020, 2:06 p.m. No.9290518   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump Weighs Creation of Panel to Counter 'Anti-Conservative Bias' on Social Media - Report


In a series of Twitter posts earlier, US President Donald Trump slammed social media giants including such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Google for being "in total command and control of the Radical Left".


US President Donald Trump is considering the formation of a panel that would review complaints of bias against conservatives on social media, according to a report by the Wall Street Journal, citing unnamed official sources said to be familiar with the plan.


Although no final decision has been made, there remains a chance that Trump could decree a White House commission to oversee allegations of online bias and censorship, a panel that could encourage federal regulatory agencies to participate. The move would likely result in criticism from technology companies, the report noted.


"Left-wing bias in the tech world is a con­cern that definitely needs to be addressed from our vantage point, and at least exposed [so] that Americans have clear eyes about what we’re dealing with", an unnamed White House official claimed, according to WSJ.


Commenting on the idea of a new commission, a Twitter spokesperson said to media outlet The Verge that the social media company enforces "the Twitter Rules impartially for all users, regardless of their background or political affiliation", and stressed regular communication with elected officials to improve the platform.


The report follows a Trump tweet from last week in which the president claimed that social media companies are controlled by what he characterized as the Radical Left, citing a tweet by Right Wing pundit Michelle Malkin from her 'America First' clip suggesting that tech companies censor Americans, that was later removed from the tweet.


Having thanked Trump for his support, Malkin outlined that her clip has been deleted, calling on Twitter for "playing games".—report/

Anonymous ID: 95e207 May 23, 2020, 2:11 p.m. No.9290566   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0606 >>0670

Tucker Carlson: Coronavirus and the shocking abuse happening in nursing homes. This tragedy wasn't by accident


Months from now, if and when we're finally able to assess the coronavirus pandemic rationally and honestly, it'll be clear that it was mostly a disaster for the old and the sick. Thirty-year-olds in Brooklyn have made the most noise, flooding the Internet with their neuroses.


But it is old people who have really suffered.


About a third of all deaths in this country so far have occurred in long-term care facilities. We told you a lot about the tragedy unfolding in New York.


As of Friday night, almost 6,000 nursing home residents have died there after Governor Andrew Cuomo forced facilities to admit infected patients.


But it's not only happening in New York. In New Jersey, Connecticut and Massachusetts for example, deaths in nursing homes account for more than half of the statewide totals.


So, if you're old and in a facility, this virus has been genuinely dangerous.


But the real story is even worse than that, thanks to bad policies.


Many nursing homes have banned all visits from relatives even those who have tested negative for the coronavirus. That means for millions of aging Americans, lockdowns equal suffering alone, marooned in isolation, away from children and grandchildren, often in the final days of their lives.


It's hard to imagine anything sadder than that, but in fact, there is something sadder.


No visitors means no real supervision. No one who cares about the elderly can check-in and see how they're doing. This is an invitation to the most awful kinds of abuse.


Take a look at this video. It's from the Westwood Nursing Center in Detroit. We warn you and we don't say this lightly it is highly upsetting. We think you should see it because it's real.


VIDEO: A nursing center worker repeatedly punches an elderly man in a bed.


It goes on like that for 90 seconds, but we'll spare you.


The monster throwing those punches is 20 years old. The helpless resident he is smashing in the face is 75.


Westwood Nursing Center says it had no idea the assault even happened. The video went up on social media and apparently, it was posted by the proud attacker himself.


People saw it and called the police and they arrested him. He's in jail tonight.


Police will not tell us his name. It's not clear why. He deserves to be famous.


What is clear is that the Westwood Nursing Center was a scary place even before this assault took place.


A 2019 Medicare inspection of the facility found that a resident had vomited on a curtain. Two weeks later, Westwood staff still hadn't replaced or even cleaned it.


Imagine all of what the inspectors didn't find. We will help you imagine.


This video is from a nursing home outside Peoria, Illinois. It was recorded in 2015. An elderly man beaten to the ground by a staff member.

Anonymous ID: 95e207 May 23, 2020, 2:15 p.m. No.9290602   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0611

Some Americans Believe in Bill Gates’ Alleged Involvement in COVID-19 Plot, Poll Shows


Anti-vaccine campaigners have repeatedly accused Bill Gates of being involved in conspiracy theories pertaining to the coronavirus pandemic. The Microsoft co-founder, meanwhile, has contributed millions of dollars to the development of a COVID-19 vaccine and testing, as part of global efforts to fight the virus.


More than 40% of self-described Republicans and Fox News viewers believe in a conspiracy theory that Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates plans to use a future COVID-19 vaccine in order to implant microchips in billions of people and monitor their movements, a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll has revealed.


Some 26% of respondents, however, rejected the theory as false, and 31% more said that they were not sure.


They were echoed by 45% of independents, 52% of Democrats, and 63% of people who say they voted for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 US presidential election, stating that they don't believe in the vaccine conspiracy theory, especially Gates’ alleged involvement in it, according to the poll.


The survey also found that only half of Americans are ready to get vaccinated “if and when a coronavirus vaccine becomes available”. Twenty-three percent of respondents said that they would not do so, with 27% admitting that they were still sitting on the fence.


The poll comes after a bizarre rant by Italian lawmaker and vocal anti-vax activist Sara Cunial who last week hit out at Gates as she urged fellow MPs to defy any plans for compulsory vaccination against the coronavirus.


In an apparent reference to the billionaire pumping hefty sums into the development of the COVID-19 vaccine, Cunial asserted that “the real goal of all of this is total control” and “absolute domination of human beings, transformed into guinea pigs and slaves, violating sovereignty, and free will".


She went even further by saying that “next time you receive a phone call from the philanthropist Bill Gates forward it directly to the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity”.


The controversial claims followed the Microsoft co-founder saying in an interview with CNBC in April about “a huge challenge” pertaining to “the efficacy of vaccines in older people”.


“Here, we clearly need a vaccine that works in the upper age range, because they're most at risk of that. And doing that so that you amp it up so it works in older people, and yet you don’t have side effects. You know, if we have, you know, one in 10,000 side effects, that's, you know, way more - 700,000, you know, people - who will suffer from that”, Gates added.


The interview was preceded by the billionaire injecting hundreds of millions of dollars, including $100 million through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, into the coronavirus vaccine and testing, as part of international efforts to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic.


In a separate interview with CNN, Gates described current US coronavirus testing data as "bogus" because of its inaccuracy and slow turnaround, adding that Washington “does not prioritise who gets tested and […] does not make sure you get results in 24 hours”.


President Donald Trump, for his part, pledged that there would be a vaccine against the coronavirus in the US by the end of 2020, adding that the country will have it “much sooner rather than later".

Anonymous ID: 95e207 May 23, 2020, 2:58 p.m. No.9290963   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1114


why don't you do your job properly?


I'm here to spread the truth and get it out to as many people as possible, so my and their children have a future.


You by hiding shit from your notes limits the ability of scrapper sites who post notes to spread the truth.


Good bakers follow the bread collect verify information then note it. You do not.


If things double up between night shift and day shift that is a good thing. John Solomon saying "it's that time" is notable!

Anonymous ID: 95e207 May 23, 2020, 3:10 p.m. No.9291041   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1058 >>1059 >>1060 >>1110

Judge Emmett Sullivan Hires High-Powered DC Attorney to Fight Flynn Mandamus Case in Appeals Court


D.C. federal Judge Emmett Sullivan has hired Beth Wilkinson, a high-powered attorney from the D.C. establishment, to represent him in the Court of Appeals case seeking a writ of mandamus filed by Sidney Powell, the attorney for former Trump National Security Advisor Lt. Gen Michael Flynn (Army Ret.). Powell is seeking to have the appeals court block Sullivan’s efforts to prolong the Flynn case in the face of a motion by the Justice Department to dismiss the with prejudice and to have Sullivan removed form the case. In a stunning move, Sullivan had previously announced the appointment of a retired federal judge to act as an amici opposed to the DOJ’s dismissal of the Flynn case–in a sense appointing his own prosecutor to continue the case.


Flynn had pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI and was awaiting sentencing but has since changed attorneys and moved to withdraw his plea with the new hire Powell exposing government efforts to set-up and entrap Flynn, cover-up evidence exonerating Flynn and threaten Flynn’s son with malicious prosecution. The DOJ recently moved to dismiss the case with prejudice after the revelations of massive misconduct were exposed.


Sullivan is at least the second federal judge Wilkinson has represented. Last year Wilkinson defended Judge Brett Kavanaugh in his Senate confirmation hearings for his Supreme Court nomination where he was falsely accused by Christine Blasey Ford and others of sexual assault in his high school and college years.



The federal judge who refused a Justice Department request to immediately drop the prosecution of former Trump adviser Michael Flynn has hired a high-profile trial lawyer to argue his reasons for investigating whether dismissing the case is legally or ethically appropriate.


In a rare step that adds to this criminal case’s already unusual path, U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan has retained Beth Wilkinson to represent him in defending his decision to a federal appeals court in Washington, according to a person familiar with the hire who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter. The U.S. District Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit is now examining the judge’s actions and the larger case against Flynn after lawyers for Trump’s former national security adviser asked the court to force Sullivan to toss Flynn’s guilty plea.


Wilkinson, known for her top-notch legal skills and get-results style, is expected to file a notice with the court in the coming week about representing the judge. She declined to comment when reached Friday evening. Sullivan also declined to comment through his office.


…Wilkinson, a go-to advocate for prominent officials snared in major Washington investigations and high-stakes legal battles, now joins the fray. Wilkinson represented Brett M. Kavanaugh when he was a Supreme Court Justice nominee and battling accusations he had sexually assaulted Christine Blasey Ford when they were both teens. Her firm also represented the lawyer and longtime confidant of Hillary Clinton amid an investigation into whether Clinton, then secretary of state, had mishandled classified information while trying to avoid using government emails…


WTF? A judge is hiring lawyers to keep a case going both parties have finished with