This is the minister of health in Belgium, Trump should light her up on twitter lol
Wait I thought the Senate already passed this back in 2018
Do they have to sign off on it every year?
I wanna see how she reacts to Trump twisting the knife
she kvetched hard a couple days ago, I hope we get more
I wanna see her cry on national television
I hate these people Q. I really hope you make them suffer.
I remember reading somewhere that there used to be older models of lenovo thinkpads that were actually untraceable, is that true?
didn't read the date, I'm a retard !
praying for a long winded public perp walk
I actually hope they make an event out of it, or some sort of holiday.
Soon To Be A HouseHold Name.
but isn't Ghidra used to decompile software?
joggers joggin in Daytona beach
almost as poorly done as that woman talking about alien invasions in the UN
Hollywood has lost its touch
I still don't understand why Joe killed her. He could have easily survived any rape allegations in that era. Maybe that is why Trump calls him psycho joe, maybe he did momentarily snap
makes you wonder if she isn't the only one