Anon second one should read Trojan WHORES :)
Two caveats,
They have to agree to hear the cases.
Assuming they're not and bought and paid for by Soros etc.
I don't trust Gorsich (sp) at all, sudo Christian, of a church that endorsed gay marriage and female pastors.
Personally i see him as a closet liberal.
have to remember who was surrounding the POTUS at the time, early in his admin still learning etc.
You will be known by your fruits, and if your theology and study of scripture didn't show the issues with both of those, you are a Liberal.
You could replace this womans name with Hillary and Huma and have the same story.
They televised the trial live.
She would not come to her trial because of that…
Sure makes US look like a third world Banana Republic with our corrupt ex leaders jet setting the world.
Got some problems with this….
Christ died on the Cross, was stabbed in the side piercing his heart. out came blood and water.
How much did his wounds bleed, how much blood would have had left?
They would not have embalmed the body, just wrapped him up, dead bodies do not bleed.
I see the video, but not convinced in that regards.
Am a Christian and no doubt at all in the deity of Christ, but things like that nope, notta…
Christ will return but there is things that will happen first.
US will be destroyed before he returns, Daniel, Eagles wings stripped, Revelation Babylon the GREAT has fallen fallen,
Sun will not shine, and moon will not give its light,
Man will be as scarce on the earth as gold.
THe Chrislam Mystery Babylon religion will be deemed the world religion lead by the Pope.
Temple will be rebuilt in Israel.
One world government and mark of the beast will be obvious.
Days will be shortened lest the very elect be deceived. Thne you have to ask if there was a pre-trib rapture how come ther are any Very Elect left.
All verifiable by scripture old and new testament.
judge not lest ye be judged anon.
i stated what is verifiable by scripture,
I'm not a brainwashed 501c3 luke warm christian.
I have studied the word in depth, and so that I will not be deceived, every point I made is dead on correct.
Have a nice day.