>show me evidence that CTH has deleted shit.
Keep following that self-important larper.
On multiple occasions, I've read his posts that were out there, but written like he had inside information. Only to go back when he was completely wrong to discover the posted gone … zip … no longer there.
I stopped reading him after I saw that happen once too many times. I find it dishonest. If he's wrong, he's wrong. Leave it up and let the readers judge.
He's a very good writer for blind followers. His writing style is very convincing, including the wording he uses … "in the construct of …" blah blah blah.
But, SD is wrong about 33% of the time. He just deletes the posts he gets wrong.
It's a cute trick that keeps blind sheep like you following and worshiping him.
I get it. SD is making his living from writing CTH. He's gotta be right at all times.
That kind of deceptive shit isn't right for me.
But you keep on blindly following entertainment writers if you want.