The word "corporation" derives from corpus, the Latin word for body, or a "body of people". By the time of Justinian (reigned 527–565), Roman law recognized a range of corporate entities under the names universitas, corpus or collegium
.do as you hate
]loaded language[
stop exporting [trigger(s)][100.00% +/-]
/_\ danger [^health][motor vehicle]
security [ []
kernel [connected to heart.beat][00110011]
core [insecure][mass media][corporate propaganda]
.<building consumer[cradle to grave]
shell [floating][static <mind>/dynamic <brain>]
social [sp.]<heargenerates shell
homo sapien [low frame rate][visual field]
[] ]
[mind'(s) | brain'(s)' | mind(s)]
[mind'(s) | brain'(s)' | mind(s)]
[mind'(s) | brain'(s)' | mind(s)]
{all.weighs} <nest>[ID] <loops
]quantum state[]material state[]emotional state[]atomic state[
radio.[active] decay
[outerspace]<inter-space wormhole>[innerspace]
.<appearsquantum bilocation
.Loop <capital>
no[m]o corporate funded [cycle]
<work>[labor]<<<>>>>employer | authority
hoo[J]k [n] core
[the <beast>[don't you no]
.<the hammer>.will.fall[.]
black.cube | white.cube
[p] <arsing
.blacklisted [white][hats]
.whitelisted [black][hats]
.<duea backflip
check inner<g>
the man all.wheys has a plan
<nothing|is| <not> <never> planar