Anonymous ID: 226124 May 24, 2020, 11:03 a.m. No.9299044   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9087

Hong Kong Erupts: Tear Gas Deployed As Thousands Fill Streets To Oppose China's National Security Law


After months of relative quiet amid the coronavirus pandemic, thousands of protesters flooded the streets of Hong Kong, defying the city's ban on gatherings to voice their opposition to a new "national security" law proposed by Beijing which would threaten the city's autonomy and the civil liberties of its residents.


The protesters, most of whom could be seen donning masks, were hit with tear gas less than an hour after the start of the demonstrations which resulted in at least 120 arrests - including 40 of which were people accused of blocking Gloucester Road. A water cannon truck was also deployed according to SCMP."


On Sunday, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said that Beijing must enact the law without delay, and that it is the role of China's central government to enforce national security.


"We must get it done without the slightest delay," said Wang, who added that the law would 'create more stability and confidence' in the Special Administration Region as well as a better environment for security.


Shortly after the announcement, Hong Kong residents took to social media to organize a march on Hong Kong Island from Causeway Bay to Wan Chai at 1 p.m. local time on Sunday.


Some protesters were chanting "Liberate Hong Kong, revolution of our times," while others chanted "Hong Kong independence, the only way out," according to CNN.

Anonymous ID: 226124 May 24, 2020, 11:05 a.m. No.9299059   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9085 >>9631 >>9754

THEY DID IT AGAIN! CBS Caught Using Photo from Ukraine in 2016 in Their ‘Panic Porn’ on Coronavirus in Children


In April CBS News was caught using footage from an Italian hospital to describe conditions in New York City.


Emergency Room Footage on CBS Matched Footage from Italian Hospital!


CBS wanted the pandemic to look as horrible as possible so they used Italian footage to describe New York City at the time.


This weekend they did it again!


CBS News was caught using photo from 2016 in Ukraine to describe a baby suffering from Kawasaki disease linked to coronavirus.

Anonymous ID: 226124 May 24, 2020, 11:09 a.m. No.9299090   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9186

Bibi goes to court: Israeli PM slams corruption trial as plot to ‘depose a strong right-wing leader’


Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu, charged with bribery, fraud and breach of trust, claimed at the start of his corruption trial that the proceedings have been orchestrated by his political opponents to oust him from power.


The proceedings mark the first time in Israel’s history that a serving leader has stood trial.


In a televised statement, the Israeli leader told the Jerusalem District Court that the objective of the trial was to “depose a strong, right-wing prime minister, and thus remove the nationalist camp from the leadership of the country for many years.”


Netanyahu also accused prosecutors of conspiring to “tailor” a case against him, and claimed that the evidence that led to his indictment was “contaminated.”


He called for the trial to be broadcast live to ensure transparency.


The 70-year-old faces charges of bribery, fraud and breach of trust, and has been indicted in three separate cases. In two of those cases, he is accused of granting favors to media executives in exchange for flattering news coverage of him and his family. The third case alleges that he received bribes from powerful businessmen.


Hundreds of demonstrators assembled outside Netanyahu’s residence ahead of the court hearing, shouting slogans such as “crime minister,” and a group of his supporters held a rally outside the courthouse.


Israelis are deeply divided over the process, well illustrated by the country’s highly fractured government. Three inconclusive elections, spanning over more than a year, have resulted in an uneasy coalition between Netanyahu’s Likud Party and Blue and White, led by former army chief Benny Gantz.


The trial is expected to be a drawn-out legal battle and Netanyahu will remain prime minister during the process. As part of the deal with Blue and White, Bibi will step down after 18 months and hand the reins over to Gantz.


The charges of wrongdoing also extend to Netanyahu’s wife, Sara. Last year, she agreed to a plea deal with prosecutors over allegations that she had misused state funds. Under the deal, she said that she would reimburse the state $12,440 and pay $2,770 in fines.

Anonymous ID: 226124 May 24, 2020, 11:12 a.m. No.9299112   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9279 >>9631 >>9649 >>9754

Mueller Crook Andrew Weissman Was Behind Documents Illegally Released to the Press Before Roger Stone Was Even Indicted


In February 2019 we obtained documents providing evidence that the Mueller Special Counsel leaked information to CNN ahead of the arrest of Roger Stone. Stone’s arrest was carried exclusively by CNN.


We now know that the Mueller gang’s top corrupt attorney and pitbull, Andrew Weissmann, was behind documents illegally released to the press before Stone was ever indicted.


Roger Stone was recently with Sean Hannity on his radio show where he stated the following:


It’s important for people to understand the reason we know that Andrew Weissman actually wrote my indictment. I was arrested at 6:00am. At 7:00am January 25th, the Special Counsel’s office blasted a copy of my indictment to the entire media world and posted it on their website. But they forgot to remove the meta-tag that bared the initials of Andrew Weissmann. There is the culprit.


Now interestingly, the judge had no interest in this because my indictment was not unsealed by a federal magistrate until 9:30am. So the dissemination of this at 7:00am was not legal.


In February 2019, the Gateway Pundit obtained documents exclusively that showed a copy of the draft indictment without the PACER filing number or official stamps of the court, with metadata on the document identified it was authored by “AAW”, who is suspected to be lead Special Counsel prosecutor Andrew Weissmann.


CNN’s camera crew allegedly arrived at Stone’s residence a whole hour before the raid and CNN’s Sara Murray provided Stone’s attorney with a draft copy of the indictment in an early morning communique to confirm the FBI raid and arrest.


CNN was the only camera crew on the scene of the FBI raid on Roger Stone’s home.


CNN claimed their presence at the FBI raid on Stone’s South Florida home was a combination of luck and hard work, but the documents proved otherwise. CNN’s “source” was indeed the Office of the Special Counsel, who colluded with the notoriously anti-Trump news network to produce a propaganda broadcast of the arrest that is reminiscent of the Nazi era tactics of the Gestapo and propaganda ministry led by Joseph Goebbels.


Stone’s attorneys asked both the House and Senate Judiciary Committees to investigate these leaks and provide answers to the American people on how someone could have obtained sealed grand jury indictments.


Here is a copy of the letter by Grant J. Smith.


Here is a copy of the Metadata that shows the copy CNN obtained came from the FBI and not the courts.

Anonymous ID: 226124 May 24, 2020, 11:14 a.m. No.9299127   🗄️.is 🔗kun

WATCH pro- and anti-Netanyahu protesters engage in tense face-off in Jerusalem as PM corruption trial opens


Flanked by police and reporters and separated by barriers, Israelis backing Benjamin Netanyahu and those who want him jailed took to the Israeli PM’s residence to protest, as a Jerusalem court began its first corruption hearing.


The rival protests hit the streets on Sunday as Netanyahu appeared before the Jerusalem district court for its first hearing. The prime minister has been indicted in three separate cases and is facing charges of fraud, bribery and breach of trust. He rejects the allegations, claiming the trial is a deep-state conspiracy.


Those venting anger at Netanyahu – the first sitting Israeli PM to stand trial in court – unfurled a banner that read “Crime Minister” in a reference to allegations that he engaged in fraud and accepted bribes from wealthy friends.


READ MORE: Bibi goes to court: Israeli PM slams corruption trial as plot to ‘depose a strong right-wing leader’


Meanwhile, Netanyahu’s supporters chanted slogans against what they said was an unfair trial against their leader. This group later took to the courthouse and booed Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit, who filed the indictments against Netanyahu.

Anonymous ID: 226124 May 24, 2020, 11:16 a.m. No.9299148   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9208

As Americans lose their jobs, Senate gears up to give Israel A MINIMUM of $38 billion over 10 years


With the US economy reeling from the effects of the coronavirus pandemic, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee agreed to give Israel a minimum of $3.8 billion in military aid per year. A full vote on the gift is expected soon.


The US unemployment rate now stands at 14.7 percent, the worst figure since records began. Nearly 39 million Americans have lost their jobs since the coronavirus reached US shores in late January, and the Congressional Budget Office warned on Tuesday that the US economy won’t recover from its current contraction until after next year. Moreover, the federal government’s financial relief packages to date have pushed national debt past a record $25 trillion.


You wouldn’t think there was anything wrong if you asked Senator Marco Rubio though. The Florida Republican and his colleagues on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee quietly approved a bill on Thursday to guarantee Israel a minimum of $38 billion in military aid over the next ten years, despite the economic shambles at home.


Passed unanimously, the bill now heads to the Senate floor for a full vote.


Though authored by Rubio – a Republican of hawkish persuasion – the bill aims to legally codify a promise made by former President Barack Obama in 2016. Under the terms agreed to by Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the Jewish state would not seek any additional funds beyond the annual $3.8 billion. Indeed, when Congress voted on an earlier version of Rubio’s bill in 2018, that figure was set as a cap. The 2018 bill was eventually rolled into another Middle East security bill the following year, which was left to die in the Democrat-controlled House.


Now, with Rubio once again pushing the bill, the spending cap has been removed. In the version passed by the Foreign Relations Committee on Thursday, the US will send “not less than” $3.3 billion in direct military aid and $500 million in funding for missile defense programs every year for the next decade.

Anonymous ID: 226124 May 24, 2020, 11:18 a.m. No.9299165   🗄️.is 🔗kun

200 Lawmakers From 23 Countries Unite To Resist China's Latest "Comprehensive Assault" On Hong Kong's Autonomy


As the Politburo Standing Committee prepares to weave a new "National Security" law banning all "subversive" activities linked to "foreign" influences or "terrorism" - a popular byword for the pro-democracy movement on the mainland - into Hong Kong's Basic Law, 200 lawmakers from nearly two dozen countries have spoken up to condemn the decision, which was set in motion during China's two-day National Party Congress, which was held in Beijing this past week 2 months after it was initially scheduled to take place.


The letter reads:


We, the co-signed, write to express grave concerns about the unilateral introduction of national security legislation by Beijing in Hong Kong.


This is a comprehensive assault on the city’s autonomy, rule of law, and fundamental freedoms. The integrity of one-country, two systems hangs by a thread.


It is the genuine grievances of ordinary Hong Kongers that are driving protests. Draconian laws will only escalate the situation further, jeopardizing Hong Kong’s future as an open Chinese international city.


If the international community cannot trust Beijing to keep its word when It comes to Hong Kong, people will be reluctant to take its word on other matters. Sympathetic governments must unite to say that this flagrant breach of the Sino-British Joint Declaration cannot be tolerated.


The list includes several prominent members of the Senate from both parties, including Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Sen Bob Menendez and others. As we noted in our initial coverage, the party congress voted to approve a resolution calling for the Standing Committee to make the necessary constitutional changes just a day after the Senate voted unanimously to approve a new bill threatening to de-list Chinese companies from American securities exchanges if they don't comply with US auditing standards, which Chinese companies have heretofore refused, creating tremendous opportunities for people like Carson Block to get tremendously rich, while the retail bagholders who invest in companies like Luckin Coffee.

Anonymous ID: 226124 May 24, 2020, 11:20 a.m. No.9299184   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9193

Hotly-touted Oxford coronavirus VACCINE trial has only 50 percent chance of success, project leader warns


The professor leading Oxford University’s highly-anticipated coronavirus vaccine trial has poured cold water on much of the hype surrounding the project by warning that it has only a 50 percent chance of being successful.


In an interview in the Telegraph on Sunday, Professor Adrian Hill, director of Oxford’s Jenner Institute, said that the upcoming trial, involving 10,000 volunteers, threatens to return “no result” due to low transmission of Covid-19 in the community.


While the low incidence of the virus among the public is undoubtedly positive news, it leaves vaccine-makers with a major problem, as without Covid-19 circulating volunteers will not catch the illness and scientists won’t be able to prove that their vaccine works.


“It’s a race against the virus disappearing, and against time,” the expert told the British newspaper.


At the moment, there’s a 50 percent chance that we get no result at all.


Oxford University has teamed up with drugmaker AstraZeneca Plc to develop the experimental vaccine, known as ChAdOx1 nCoV-19, which is one of the leading candidates in the global race for protection against the coronavirus responsible for the Covid-19 pandemic.


Moderna fail last week Oxford fail this week?

Anonymous ID: 226124 May 24, 2020, 11:22 a.m. No.9299201   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BoJo’s adviser Cummings trolled outside his residence with video of UK PM saying ‘STAY HOME’


A giant van-mounted screen, showing UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson saying ‘stay home,’ was parked outside the residence of his top adviser Dominic Cummings, who many want sacked for flouting coronavirus lockdown rules.


“You must stay at home. You should not be meeting family members who do not live in your home,” Johnson said in a clip taken from one of his speeches.


Judging by the captions in the video, which also included interviews of people outraged by Cummings’s behavior, the stunt was organized by the Led By Donkeys campaign group.

Anonymous ID: 226124 May 24, 2020, 11:26 a.m. No.9299248   🗄️.is 🔗kun

REPORT: EU Planning “Vaccination Passport” Since 2018


“Roadmap on Vaccination” outlines 3 year plan for boosting “vaccine confidence” and advancing “electronic tracking”


A report published by the European Commission in late 2019 reveals that the EU has been looking to increase the scope and power of vaccination programmes since well before the current “pandemic”.


The endpoint of the Roadmap is, among many other things, to introduce a “common vaccination card/passport” for all EU citizens.


This proposal will be appearing before the commission in 2022, with a “feasibility study” set to run from 2019 through 2021 (meaning, as of now, it’s about halfway through).


To underline the point: The “vaccination roadmap” is not an improvised response to the Covid19 pandemic, but rather an ongoing plan with roots going back to 2018, when the EU released a survey of the public’s attitude toward vaccines titled “2018 State of Vaccine Confidence”


On the back of this research, the EU then commissioned a technical report titled “Designing and implementing an immunisation information system”, on – among other things – the plausibility of an EU-wide vaccination monitoring system.


In the 3rd quarter of 2019 these reports were all combined into the latest version of the the “Vaccination Roadmap”, a long-term policy plan to spread vaccine “awareness and understanding” whilst counteracting “vaccine myths” and combatting “vaccine hesitancy”.


You can read the entire report here, but below are some of the more concerning highlights [emphasis throughout is ours]:


“Examine the feasibility of developing a common vaccinationcard/passport for EU citizens“

“Develop EU guidance for establishing comprehensive electronic immunization information systems for effective monitoring of immunization programmes.”

“overcome the legal and technical barriers impeding the interoperability of national immunisation information systems”


On the 12th September 2019, at the joint EU-WHO “Global Vaccination Summit”, they announced the “10 Actions Towards Vaccination for All”, which cover much of the same ground.


One month later, in October 2019, Event 201 was held.

Anonymous ID: 226124 May 24, 2020, 11:29 a.m. No.9299306   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Deputy Gets Prison for Stealing from Charity That Helped Kids of Fallen Military and Cops


Palm Beach, FL — Robert Simeone, a former Palm Beach County Sheriff’s deputy and U.S. military veteran, originally faced up to 175 years in prison for the 30 felony charges he pleaded guilty to this month. However, despite the long list of crimes, including stealing from a children’s charity, Simeone will spend just five years behind bars thanks to a likely blue privilege-inspired plea deal given to him this month.


Simeone, 49, pleaded guilty to 30 felony charges for stealing $50,000 from a children’s charity and paying kickbacks to lure patients into a drug treatment center he ran in West Palm Beach.


On Wednesday, this prior ‘pillar of the community’ stood before a judge and admitted to stealing tens of thousands of dollars from children in a charity he set up to get rich in the name of dead cops and veterans.


According to the Sun-Sentinel, in 2017, Simeone became one of the first individuals ensnared by State Attorney Dave Aronberg’s Sober Homes Task Force. It’s a law enforcement push against abuses in the area’s drug-recovery industry. There have been more than 100 arrests in three years.


Apparently, it is against the law in Florida to offer or pay any commission, kickback or bribe to promote the referral of patients to or from a health care provider. But paying people to get patients for his drug rehab clinic was hardly the worst of his crimes — and, as some may argue, not really a crime at all. Defrauding children, however, most certainly is.


In 2011, the deputy and veteran, started a charity alleging to help children of fallen military men and women, police officers and firefighters. Instead of giving the money to the children like he promised, this cop put it in his pocket — a lowlife move indeed.


As the Sun Sentinel reports, court records show detectives looked at bank account activity between January 2015 and September 2019 and found $73,556 in deposits were made to the charity. Over the same period, $49,037 in transfers from the charity were deposited into Simeone’s personal and business accounts, an arrest report showed.


“These transfers permanently or temporarily deprived the declared (Children of Wounded Warriors) beneficiaries … of the opportunity to access the funds contributed by the original donors for their assistance,” the report states. “The majority of the donations were instead used for the personal benefit of Robert Simeone or the businesses owned and operated by him.”


As part of his sentence which includes the 5 years, Simeone will be required to pay pay $81,000 in fines; pay $27,800 to three victims; pay more than $25,000 for the cost of the investigations; testify in other patient brokering cases; and not work for any nonprofits or in any capacity related to health care, substance abuse treatment, clinical lab testing, and/or recovery housing.

Anonymous ID: 226124 May 24, 2020, 11:31 a.m. No.9299335   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9493

Another Turkish minister threatens to flood Greece with migrants after pandemic


Another Turkish official has threatened to flood Greece with illegal immigrants after the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic has ended.


During a recent interview on Turkish television, Turkey’s Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu brought up the issue of migration, saying that once the pandemic is over another wave of migrants will flood into Greece, Proto Thema reports.


“There were refugees in the refugee camp who went to the border with Greece. Due to the pandemic, this stopped. I do not say this as a threat, but after the pandemic, the refugees will definitely want to leave and go there,” Çavuşoğlu said.


The minister’s statement follows previous threats made by the country’s interior minister to send migrants back to the Greek border after the coronavirus crisis had subsided.


The foreign minister also argued the customs agreement between the European Union and Turkey should be updated, that visa requirements for Turks traveling to the EU should be scrapped, and that the two should work together to solve the refugee problem.


“We have sent the following message that on the occasion of the pandemic, if you say that we do not need Turkey, then you should know that the pandemic will end, but the refugee issue will continue for many years. Then please don’t knock on our door. Our goal is good cooperation and of course a cooperation that everyone will keep their promises.”


In the past week, tensions at the Greek-Turkish border have increased considerably. As Voice of Europe reported, the Hellenic Armed Forces stated last Thursday that Turkish soldiers and police had occupied a pocket of Greek territory which lies along the Evros River, blatantly disregarding Greek and EU sovereignty.


On Saturday, Turkish Foreign Ministry spokesman Hami Aksoy, speaking on Greece’s decision to erect a wire fence along the border, said that Turkey would not “allow Greece to unilaterally redraw the borders with accomplished events, but bilateral technical talks.”


“After Greece announced to the Turkish Foreign Ministry on April 15 that it was building a fence on their common land borders, the ministry responded on May 11 by asking Athens to give the exact location of the fence and convene a bilateral commission to ensure the border is not violated,” Aksoy said.


“The issue can be resolved if the meetings we have proposed between the technical delegations of the two countries take place. An accomplished event on our borders will in no case be tolerated,” he concluded.

Anonymous ID: 226124 May 24, 2020, 11:32 a.m. No.9299351   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump: Democrats Trying to Exploit Coronavirus for Vote-by-Mail ‘Scam’


President Donald Trump said Sunday that Democrats are attempting to use the Chinese coronavirus pandemic to push mail-in ballot plans for the November election, warning the move will lead to “the greatest Rigged Election in history.”


“The United States cannot have all Mail In Ballots. It will be the greatest Rigged Election in history. People grab them from mailboxes, print thousands of forgeries and “force” people to sign,” the president wrote. “Also, forge names. Some absentee OK, when necessary. Trying to use Covid for this Scam”:


Trump’s warning comes as Democrat governors have moved to enact vote-by-mail proposals across the country, citing concerns stemming from the Chinese coronavirus pandemic. In early May, California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) signed an executive order permitting all registered voters in the state to vote by mail in the upcoming presidential election. On Tuesday, Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson announced that all Michigan voters will receive an application to vote by mail so “no Michigander has to choose between their health and their right to vote.”


In response to Benson’s announcement, Trump threatened to withhold funding from Michigan, saying the move was done “illegally and without authorization by a rogue Secretary of State.”


“Michigan sends absentee ballots to 7.7 million people ahead of Primaries and the General Election. This was done illegally and without authorization by a rogue Secretary of State. I will ask to hold up funding to Michigan if they want to go down this Voter Fraud path!” the president wrote.


In addition to Michigan, Trump threatened to block funding to Nevada over its mail-in voting plan, calling it “illegal.”


“State of Nevada ‘thinks’ that they can send out illegal vote by mail ballots, creating a great Voter Fraud scenario for the State and the U.S. They can’t! If they do, ‘I think’ I can hold up funds to the State. Sorry, but you must not cheat in elections,” the president wrote.


As Breitbart News reported:


Recent data has not shown a compelling public health justification for vote-by-mail. Wisconsin is one of the only U.S. states that held its primary election with in-person voting after the nation’s coronavirus lockdowns began. Only a few dozen people at maximum were confirmed to have contracted the virus after participating either as voters or poll workers, and none of those cases were fatal. Out of the 413,000 participants, that equals an infection rate below two-hundredths of one percent. Just days later, South Korea held national elections which did not result in any new coronavirus cases.


Trump’s Sunday tweet came as former Vice President Joe Biden, the presumptive Democrat nominee, asserted that there was “no evidence whatsoever” that mail-in voting is plagued by fraud.


“I will tell you what, you mean Trump fraud? Look, he’s sitting in the White House filling out absentee ballots to vote in a primary in Florida. Now, why is it not fraud when he does it, and anyone else would do it? There’s no evidence whatsoever,” Biden told WISN’s Up Front.


“We ought to be able to make sure that we have ballot by mail, early voting, and in-person voting,” he added. “You’re able to do that if, in fact, you have enough poll workers ahead of time, they’re trained, and scientists come in and tell you how you sanitize a polling place so people can still vote.”

Anonymous ID: 226124 May 24, 2020, 11:34 a.m. No.9299387   🗄️.is 🔗kun

National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien ‘Wouldn’t Be Surprised’ If China Steals US Coronavirus Vaccine


White House National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien on Sunday suggested that the Chinese Community Party would very likely try to steal American developments on a coronavirus vaccine.


During an appearance on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” O’Brien predicted that the United States would be the first country to develop a vaccine for the novel coronavirus. But he added that the Chinese government has been working diligently to steal the U.S. government’s coronavirus vaccine research — and he “wouldn’t be surprised” if their espionage efforts succeeded.


“I think we’re going to develop a vaccine first,” the president’s adviser said on Sunday. “Now, there’s a chance, and it has been reported that the Chinese have been engaged in espionage to try and find the research and the technologies that we’re working on — both for a vaccine and a therapy.”


“Look, they’ve got a many, many year history of stealing American intellectual property and knocking off American technology, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they did that with the vaccines,” O’Brien said.


The comments come as the U.S. begins to open back up its economy and as state governments unwind their quarantine orders. Meanwhile, health professionals across the country are working on a vaccine for the coronavirus.


President Donald Trump has assembled leaders to head up the Manhattan Project-style “Operation Warp Speed,” with the goal of developing a vaccine by the fall of this year. Initial projections in January predicted that vaccine wouldn’t be developed for 12 to 18 months, but the White House’s project seeks to reduce that time by as much as eight months.


The Trump administration has already publicly accused the Chinese government of attempting to steal U.S. research into COVID-19. Internet hackers linked to Beijing have attempted to pilfer U.S. research into vaccines and treatment, the FBI said earlier this month.


Nevertheless, O’Brien on Sunday reiterated the Trump administration’s position that, when a vaccine is developed by U.S. officials, it would be shared with the international community.

Anonymous ID: 226124 May 24, 2020, 11:35 a.m. No.9299403   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Report: Boris Backtracks On Huawei 5G Deal, Zero China Involvement by 2023


Prime Minister Boris Johnson has reportedly reconsidered allowing Chinese tech giant Huawei access to the British 5G network, amidst increasing tensions with China over the coronavirus pandemic and the Chinese Communist Party’s infringement of freedoms in Hong Kong.


The Prime Minister has instructed his government to begin making plans that would see the Chinese tech firms’ involvement in the nation’s 5G infrastructure to zero by the year 2023.


“He still wants a relationship with China but the Huawei deal is going to be significantly scaled back. Officials have been instructed to come up with a plan to reduce Huawei’s involvement as quickly as possible,” a government source told The Telegraph.


“He has taken a great many soundings from his own MPs on this issue and shares their serious concerns. The deal was struck before the pandemic hit but coronavirus has changed everything,” the source added.


The government had previously stated that Huawei would only have access to the periphery of the network. The U.S. has warned that Huawei has the capability of building backdoor access into its systems, opening up the United Kingdom to cyber espionage from the Chinese Communist Party.


Earlier this month, Breitbart London reported that the U.S. was reviewing the status of all military and intelligence assets in Britain to see if they should be removed from the country as a result of the Huawei deal. The United States has also hinted that intelligence sharing in the Five Eyes security alliance, which also includes Australia, New Zealand, and Canada, could be in jeopardy if Huawei were allowed access to the British network.


Huawei Vice President Victor Zhang said in a statement that the reports about Britain dropping the company “simply don’t make sense”.


“As a private company, 100 per cent owned by employees, which has operated in the UK for 20 years, our priority has been to help mobile and broadband companies keep Britain connected, which in this current health crisis has been more vital than ever. This is our proven track record,” Zhang suggested.


Huawei’s claims that they are a private company are dubious at best. A 2019 research paper conducted by Donald Clarke of George Washington University and Christopher Balding of Fulbright University Vietnam found that Huawei is 99 per cent owned by what is referred to as a “trade union committee”.


“Given the public nature of trade unions in China, if the ownership stake of the trade union committee is genuine, and if the trade union and its committee function as trade unions generally function in China, then Huawei may be deemed effectively state-owned,” the paper said.

Anonymous ID: 226124 May 24, 2020, 11:36 a.m. No.9299426   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Italian Government Recruits 60,000 Informants to Spy on Neighbors During Lockdown


ROME — The Italian government announced Sunday it is recruiting 60,000 volunteer “civic assistants” as informants to report on anyone violating norms concerning the use of masks and social distancing.


The government is recruiting unemployed citizens, especially those who receive social security or unemployment income, as an extension of its uniformed security services during the second phase of the coronavirus lockdown, Italian media reported.


The plainclothes informants have received instructions to watch for abuses of state-mandated safety norms and to report on violators. The new measure is meant to prevent citizens from being tempted to slack off in compliance with government norms just because no uniformed police are present, since anyone could be an informant.


The deployment of the army of “civic assistants” is reminiscent of measures taken by Italian mayors, such as Rome mayor Virginia Raggi, during the first phase of the lockdown. Ms. Raggi set up a special website where Italians could snitch on their neighbors if they saw them failing to comply with the established norms. The measure met with considerable opposition, with some suggesting that the move typical of the dark days of national fascism.


The new measure was announced Sunday in a joint statement signed by the Minister for Regional Affairs and Autonomies Francesco Boccia and the Mayor of Bari (Puglia), Antonio Decaro, who serves as the President of the National Association of Italian Municipalities.


Mr. Decaro rose to national prominence after a video went viral showing the mayor personally harassing citizens on the streets during phase one of the lockdown. Along with threatening them with police action, the mayor is seen shouting that he is the boss and that all are required to return to their homes.


Sunday’s statement noted the difficulty of controlling citizen compliance with the lockdown norms since they are no longer confined to their own homes but can no visit shops and restaurants.


“We are gradually entering a new normal where there is a gradual recovery of productive activities and citizens are returning to populate cities day after day,” the statement reads. Municipalities “will be able to take advantage of the contribution of ‘civic assistants’ to enforce all the measures put in place to counter and contain the spread of the virus, beginning with social distancing.”


“Now is the time to recruit all those citizens who want to help the country, demonstrating a great civic sense,” it states.


The authorities said that they expect to have their new army of informants ready for deployment by the end of next week.

Anonymous ID: 226124 May 24, 2020, 11:38 a.m. No.9299453   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Audit Reveals Huge Growth of Pro-Migration NGOs with Millions in Revenue


A round of audits by Greece’s National Transparency Authority of pro-migration NGOs has revealed massive growth in recent years, with some receiving tens of millions of euros in revenue.


The authority claims around 320 non-governmental organisations relating to immigration operate in the country. It has been investigating the funding and operations of the various pro-migration groups and is set to look in detail at around 15 to 20 per cent of them in the first major audit of its kind.


According to a report from Greek newspaper Proto Thema, the early findings have revealed massive growth for some of the NGOs, including one that went from having 50 employees in 2013 to 1,050 in 2019. Another group reported no income five years ago and a whopping 23 million euros of income in 2019.


“After a complaint and evaluation of data on the operation and financial management of private entities operating in the field of immigration policy, audits were carried out in five Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs),” the National Transparency Authority said.


Investigators are also looking at whether the services offered by the NGOs are proportional to the amount of money they receive.


Ten NGOs will be examined in the coming days that are much smaller than the ones already examined by investigators but have garnered particular interest for their activities.


The authority states that its goal is to have a total understanding of the operations of pro-migration NGOs operating in Greece by September of this year.

Anonymous ID: 226124 May 24, 2020, 11:39 a.m. No.9299478   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9533 >>9595

Soros Attacks Salvini, Says He Wants to Get Italy Out of the EU


Hungarian-American plutocrat George Soros attacked populist Italian senator Matteo Salvini, claiming the League (Lega) leader wants to get Italy out of the European Union and the euro currency.


The left-liberal billionaire launched his attack on the former Italian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior because he was worried about Italy leaving the European Union as Britain has done, saying: “I am particularly worried about Italy. Matteo Salvini, leader of the League, is working to get the country out of the euro and the EU.”


While claiming that Salvini has lost some support since his time as Interior Minister, Soros was wary of the fact that “support for his positions is gaining momentum. What would Europe be without Italy? Italy was the most pro-European country. The Italians had more confidence in Europe than in their own governments, for excellent reasons, but they were mistreated during the refugee emergency of 2015.”


He went on to add that during the Chinese coronavirus pandemic Italy has also been badly treated, saying EU aid rules have favoured countries like Germany rather than countries like Italy which were hardest hit by the virus, Il Giornale reports.


While support for Salvini’s League has diminished slightly in the last several months, polls still consistently show the party to be the most popular in the country.


A Euromedia Research survey published on Friday showed the League with 24.9 per cent of the vote and the centre-right coalition Salvini is a member with 47.6 per cent, ahead of the current leftist government coalition with 41.5 per cent.


Anti-EU sentiment has risen dramatically in Italy over the last several months of the Wuhan virus crisis due to the lack of solidarity between EU member-states.


A survey published in late April revealed that as many as 40 per cent of Italians want to leave the EU and the euro currency.

Anonymous ID: 226124 May 24, 2020, 11:44 a.m. No.9299540   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9579

Professors around America have been caught selling secret research to the Chinese Communist Regime. The national media won’t cover it, so here’s a list of who have been caught so far.


1 This UCLA professor was caught selling Air Force/Navy missile secrets to the Chinese. He’s facing 219 years in prison.

2 The head of the Chemistry Dept. at Harvard was caught secretly taking $1.5 million from the Chinese to set up a medical research lab in…WUHAN. In addition, he was paid up to $50,000 a month for other research he smuggled to the Chinese.

3 This professor from the University of Kansas had 2 research contracts with the Department of Energy. Turns out he was secretly working for the Chinese and smuggling research to them all along. He now faces 50 years in prison.

4 This is Zaosong Zheng. He was caught trying to smuggle 21 vials of cancer research from a Harvard medical lab to the Chinese goverment. He now faces 30+ years in prison.

5 This Professor from the world renowned Cleveland Clinic was secretly giving information to the Chinese while receiving $3.6 million in tax-payer funding for his “research”.

6 This Professor in West Virginia took “paternity leave”… then flew alone to China to secretly conduct research for their government. There, he was given a half million dollar “research subsidy” along with over $250,000 in “living stipends.”

7 This Professor in Arkansas was applying for a federal research grant from NASA when an investigation showed he was simultaneously receiving payments from the Chinese government. I’m sure it was just an accident that he forgot to disclose that part.

8 This Professor in Tennessee faces 6 felony charges after trying to cover up his secret work with the Chinese while applying for a research grant through NASA.

9 This Professor in Georgia was fired after it was discovered he tried to cover up money he’d been paid by the Chinese government, while conducting research with the National Institutes of Health.


Why do 75 American colleges have Chinese Communist Party funded “Confucius Institutes” on campus? The Pentagon says they’re national security threats and China admits they’re propaganda centers.


A recent investigation found 48 colleges broke the law in failing to report tens of millions in donations from China.


1 If there’s nothing shady, why break the law to hide donations?

2 What does China gain from donating millions to American colleges?


We had almost zero evidence of foreign interference in our elections, and half the country freaked out. Now, we have endless evidence of foreign interference on our campuses, and no one is batting an eye.


People on campus are afraid to question China’s influence efforts for fear of being labeled xenophobic or racist. Colleges are so concerned about being called “intolerant” that they let a communist regime exploit our country.


People will call you a conspiracy theorist if you question why China is secretly spending millions on buying off American professors. Ask those people if they believe China is just doing all this out of the goodness of their hearts.

Anonymous ID: 226124 May 24, 2020, 11:45 a.m. No.9299565   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Cartel Gunmen Leave 12 Bodies Pickup Bed in Western Mexico


A group of cartel gunmen left twelve bodies in the bed of a pickup truck in the Mexican state of Michoacán. The mass murder comes at a time when two of Mexico’s most violent drug cartels waged a fierce turf war for control of drug production and smuggling routes in the western part of the country.


Local and federal authorities responded to an abandoned vehicle along the highway that connects the town of Huetamo with Ciudad Altamirano on the morning of May 16. According to information provided to Breitbart Texas by law enforcement sources, the red pickup was dripping blood. Officials said the truck had been previously reported stolen from the neighboring state of Guerrero.


The pickup had a large blue tarp covering the bed area. Under that blue tarp, authorities found twelve bodies. All the victims were shot several times, pointing to a likely escalation of the ongoing drug violence in the region. State officials responded to the scene to document the crime and collect the bodies.

Anonymous ID: 226124 May 24, 2020, 11:46 a.m. No.9299576   🗄️.is 🔗kun

WATCH: Two Men Cross Border into Arizona, Start Fires, Return to Mexico


Border security cameras captured the events as two men crossed the border from Mexico into Arizona and set two fires before fleeing back across the border. The men set the fires in the Cocopah Tribal Land in an area where only a vehicle barrier secures the border.


Yuma Sector Chief Patrol Agent Carl E. Landrum tweeted a video on Friday showing two subjects who illegally crossed the border in southwest Arizona. The video shows the men setting two separate fires in the Cocopah Tribal Land area along the border.


“The subjects then returned to Mexico, leaving behind a raging inferno that local fire crews risked their lives to put out,” the video states. The fires were set on U.S. soil before the two men fled back to Mexico.


This is an example of the types of border barriers being replaced by the Trump administration. These vehicle barriers do nothing to stop people from crossing the border. And, the proximity to a major roadway in Mexico provides easy access to human and drug smugglers to move their cargo across the border and into the United States. Many sections in the Yuma and El Centro Sectors have already been replaced with 30-foot bollard wall systems that include electronic surveillance technology and all-weather roads to allow Border Patrol agents to quickly respond.

Anonymous ID: 226124 May 24, 2020, 11:48 a.m. No.9299607   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Central Bankers Are Totally Out of Control.


During this 40+ minute interview, Jason asks Daniel about Jerome Powell’s 60 Minutes interview from last weekend, MMT coming in the US, the global dollar shortage, problems in the Chinese economy, why everyone cannot copy what Japan has done for decades, gold, problems with hedge funds now compared to the past and the EU.