Anonymous ID: 6fea6d May 24, 2020, 11:16 a.m. No.9299146   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Corrupt Swamp Judge Exposed, Determined to Screw Flynn


What the hell has happened to America! The GOVERNMENT targets and frames a war hero, three-star General, who served the nation honorably for over 33 years! The FBI sets Flynn up, tampers and alters the 302 evidence and can't even produce the original document, which is the key evidence in the case. Repeat, they can’t even produce the KEY SOURCE of evidence in the entire Flynn case! At a minimum, this should be provided to Flynn’s defense attorney.


The FBI deviates from protocol, set-up an illegal meeting with the intent to entrap and catch Flynn in a lie so that they could prosecute and get him fired.


The FBI threatens Flynn’s son, (family), to twist Flynn’s arm to plead guilty to a lie, which Flynn later withdraws the guilty plea, because it was illegally obtained, while he was under duress, facing threats to his family and oh by the way, he never did lie…it was all a farce hit job.


After the entire hit-job is exposed, the corrupt swamp Judge hires an attorney to continue to justify his illegal actions to convict Flynn?! They sure want Flynn bad!


You know, the saddest part of this entire Flynn situation is that Flynn TRUSTED the FBI and considered the FBI his ally. Flynn, mistakenly believed the FBI were honorable men and they were on the same side. He had no idea the FBI plotted and schemed a hit-job operation with one agenda, to “GET FLYNN”, and then scheduled and illegal meeting, violating protocol, without letting Flynn have an attorney present; the meeting agenda to entrap and stab Flynn in the back.