>udge Sullivan hiring Hillary-tied lawyer Beth Wilkinson
Wilkerson married to CNN contributor/reproter David Gregory
>udge Sullivan hiring Hillary-tied lawyer Beth Wilkinson
Wilkerson married to CNN contributor/reproter David Gregory
Northwest Florida Daily News July 27, 2001
Lori's fil, Norm Klausutis wrote letter to editor
saying she was healthy and did not kill herself
>Timothy J. Klausutis's research while affiliated with Air Force Research Laboratory and other places
Lori's husband, Tim K, into some navigation alforithms, GPS, sensing devices
so spouse goes into work recently on a modified work at work/home schedule.
not suppose to have to wear mask because workers show up opposite days and therefore there is large space between people, if there is anybody even in the area.
spouse shows up to find a coworker there on their off day.
coworker is wearing mask and says "I am wearing this FOR YOU".
I have been thinking about this for some time.
We are told to do something to our bodies FOR somebody elseโฆ.not for ourselves.
not just the irony of the entire abortion 'my body, my choice'
not just the taking away of identlies
not just the socialism aspect of doing what is best for the 'common good'
BUT doing something to your body for the GOOD of somebody else is just evil
I can't quite put my finger on it, but it is deep, deep evil.
May 14, 2018 timeline
so what was Kerry and Hussein planning with Iran in May 2018?
did Iran start shooting at us after that?
i know that.
I am just saying that we were told initially and are still being advised/made to wear mask for the good of somebody else.
It's just the first step in telling us what we have to do to OUR bodies for somebody else.
It's like slavery.
And people are buying that you must do this to yourself FOR some other person.
you MUST self sacrifice, not for yourself, but for somebody else.
Major players in Lori Klausutis case:
Officer Stephen Sequeira - noted The autopsy information
Dusty Rhodes, crime scene expert