Since Q posted an article from The Intercept…last weekend, Lisa Page replied to some seemingly rando account on Twatbashing Glenn Greenwaldfor some article he wrote.After Q posted that PDF about Snowden.Why do I think that's all connected? Page has a history of hating The Intercept, per one of her texts to Strzok. Why, you wonder? I'm guessing Snowden. She and McCabe worked on his shit together AND so did Strzok. Besides that, look at what she's saying…she doesn't peddle raw intel? What does editing a 302 count as? I guess it's already been refined somewhat, but still, she talked to the guy who collected the raw intel. Scum is slippery. And skeered kek. Those three have been thick as thieves for years.
Lisa Page
Lisa Page Retweeted emptywheel
I did what? I have no idea what this refers to (needless to say, I don’t read @ggreenwald) but let me clear up any confusion. I’m a lawyer. I peddle case law, not raw intel. I’ve never accessed our our raw intel stores. But thanks for playing, Glenn!)
10:36 AM PDT - 17 May 2020
But it's AWESOME that in Glenn Greenwald's narrative FBI lawyer @NatSecLisa is the one who trawled FBI (note, not NSA, like he claims) collections and discovered Mike Flynn's calls. She wouldn't be the perfect supervillain otherwise.
10:08 AM PDT - 15 May 2020