Anonymous ID: e5e5f7 May 24, 2020, 1:46 p.m. No.9301086   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1120 >>1153 >>1177 >>1237


This is all in the last bread and was dug prior.

Vallely on the board of Special Operations PAC.

Zinke founder was Navy Seal officer who became DJT's sec. interior.

Vallely is a birther.

DJT became birther in 2011 after Hussein purged hundreds of senior officers out of the military.

Special Operations PAC early supporter of DJT.

Considered pushing Ted Cruz prior to deciding on DJT.

Vallely said Q group was Army of Northern Virginnia.

DIA special operators very close to POTUS.

Vallely likely a traitor despite having Michael Aquino as a subordinate.

Anon spoke with Vallely who told him that he was responsible for cleaning up Aquinos mess.

PSYOP to Mindwar was a manual Vallely wrote.

Promotes truth in PSYOPs.

Vallely ran PSYOPs for Pentagon in 80s.

Vallely probably not far removed from core of the movement.

Not infiltrating anything.

Anonymous ID: e5e5f7 May 24, 2020, 1:51 p.m. No.9301155   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1174



Vallely not deep state.

Threatened coup against Hussein.

Supported DJT early through Zinke super PAC.

Disinformation is rampant today against him.

Vallely not promoting anything and has been out of the news.

Anonymous ID: e5e5f7 May 24, 2020, 1:57 p.m. No.9301210   🗄️.is 🔗kun


He does appear as Valley in the PSYOP to mindwar doc.

Definitely an operator.

Another group that changes their name is the Army of Norther Va.

Also known as United States Army Intelligence Support Activity (USAISA)

Also known as Field Operations Group (FOG)

Also known as Intelligence Support Activity

ISA mission was to support top-tier Special Operations Forces (primarily Delta Force and SEAL Team Six) in counter-terrorist operations and other special missions. The ISA would provide actionable intelligence collection, pathfinding, and operational support. The ISA performed several operations mainly in Latin America and the Middle East, but also in East Africa, South-East Asia, and Europe.[5] The current organization of ISA is classified but does contain three squadrons (Operations, SIGINT and Mission Support).


and here's the kicker:


The POW/MIA affair

The ISA has also conducted an operation to search for U.S. MIAs (soldiers reported as Missing In Action) allegedly held in South-East Asia in secret POWs camps in the 1980s. In 1979, U.S. intelligence thought it had located a POW camp in Laos using aerial and satellite photographs. A ground reconnaissance was needed to determine if people seen on photographs were really American POWs. At the same time, former Special Forces Major James G. "Bo" Gritz planned a private rescue mission with other S.F. veterans. Having informed U.S. government officials about the mission, Bo Gritz was first told to abort his "mission," but was eventually approached by the ISA. Nonetheless, Gritz was not believed to be doing serious work, and Pentagon officials ordered the ISA to terminate their relationship with him when they discovered that ISA had provided him with money and equipment.[5]


Operation Grand Eagle-aka "BOHICA" was an ISA Clandestine Armed Operation to seek intelligence on the fate of US Military and or CIA personnel who may have been captured and left behind in Laos after the Vietnam war. ISA Operatives were sent to Laos and located an armed encampment is Laos, that had at least 2 captured men, believed to be either US Military personnel or "Covert" Operatives that got captured that were engaged in either CBW' Drug Smuggling, or some other "Rogue" element of a Secret Team gone bad.[citation needed]


It was detailed in two books, "BOHICA" by Scott Barnes ISA Operative on this mission and Kiss the Boys Goodbye by Monkia Stevenson both detailed the covert mission of Operation Grand Eagle.


Any guess why No Name is so hated around these parts?

Anonymous ID: e5e5f7 May 24, 2020, 2:07 p.m. No.9301291   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Baker, Vallely more than likely very close to Q Team. On the board of Zinke Special operations PAC and original birther. Recruited DJT to run in 2011. DJT came out as birther.

Ran PSYOPs for Pentagon.

Claim he is deep state likely disinfo.
