Anonymous ID: ffa342 May 24, 2020, 1:19 p.m. No.9300758   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0928


THAT shit is a wild, wild story, and true.


So many of those weirdos got out of Nazi Germany and just re-set in South America.

Remember, they had Juan and Evita Peron tossing money and laying out the welcome mat.

Evita much?


Evita wasn't the only woman with eyes for Nazis.

Wallis Simpson (Duke of Windsor's wife) had a long affair with Joachim von Ribbentrop.

The book "17 Carnations" was written about that affair.


I gotta dig into this link. There are more old FBI docs showing investigations into fascist sympathizers.


"Little did they know that the previous night instructions had gone out from President Roosevelt to FBI chief J Edgar Hoover to launch what was to be an extraordinary covert intelligence exercise that had to fool both the exiled royals and the US secret service agent who was guarding them.


The exercise was launched after the FBI had been passed intelligence that the duke and duchess were being used by the Nazis to obtain secrets which could wreck the allies' war effort. The US investigation became even more lurid when FBI agents interviewed a benedictine monk in a Franciscan monastery in the United States; Father Odo had once been the Duke of Wurttemberg, a minor German royal with connections to Queen Mary, the duke's mother, and her brother, the Duke of Athlone, then governor general of Canada.


He told them that a prime suspect in the investigation - Joachim von Ribbentrop, then the Nazis' foreign minister - had been the duchess's lover when he was ambassador to Britain in 1936. The minister was already thought to have been supplied with information by the duchess during the German invasion of France in 1940. Now it was suggested that there was far closer arrangement.


Father Odo told the agent: "He knew definitely that von Ribbentrop, while in England, sent the then Wallis Simpson 17 carnations every day. The 17 supposedly represented the number of times they had slept together."


He also revealed that the Duchess of Windsor had told guests at a Paris party that: "The duke is impotent and although he had tried sexual intercourse with numerous women they had been unsuccesful in satisfying his passions."


He went on: "The duchess in her own inimitable and unique manner has been the only woman who had been able to satisfactorily gratify the duke's sexual desires."


So if you like some wild sex as a side dish to your history, there ya go.

Anonymous ID: ffa342 May 24, 2020, 1:24 p.m. No.9300831   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0924 >>1261


Anons, we all need to read this. It's just 5 pages long.

Get a load of the footnotes on the last page.

And hand me my tinfoil hat.


We are fighting this MindWar RIGHT NOW.

Anonymous ID: ffa342 May 24, 2020, 1:40 p.m. No.9301014   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1121


Fren, you are ONTO something. One interesting fact about Wallis - she once lived in Shanghai before going gold digging in England.


Book review: "That Woman" by Anne Sebba


A main theme running through That Woman is the likelihood that Wallis Simpson was intersexed in some way. This is reason that she never had a child with any of her three husbands or her many lovers. All through her life she was plagued with abdominal problems. Sebba even suggests that King Edward VIII may have had his own intersex issues. She suggests his mostly hairless body, he only needed to shave once a week, and that all the women referred to him as the “little man.” Though he certainly was a ladies man before he met Wallis Simpson.


The Prince of Wales comes across as a liability. He was “a depressed adolescent… worryingly unsafe, he could be certified”, according to Lord Wigram, George V’s private secretary. “Certain cells in his brain have never grown,” murmured another courtier, Sir Alan Lascelles.


Blog post/book review: A Gender Variance Who's Who


Jimmy Donahue (1915-1966).


Grandson of Frank Woolworth of the chain stores. A notorious and uninhibited queen who relied on his mother’s money to get him out of trouble, and keep him out of the courts.


Dressed as a nun, he had his chauffeur stop in the middle of a bridge and got out and squatted: two cars collided. He would dress as a female prostitute, or with pillows under his dress as grand society hostess Elsa Maxwell. He was often in drag at his mother’s parties. He did drag while entertaining his friend the homosexual New York Cardinal Francis Spellman.


In Italy, he stood on his hotel balcony, imitated Mussolini, and then pissed on the crowd below. He is rumoured to have killed one lover who had become inconvenient.


He is infamous for a party in New York in 1945 or 1946 where he invited US servicemen found in a gay bar. One of the service men – in a drunken stupor – either lost his cock as the guests attempted to shave his pubic area, or part of his ear as he was being passionately fucked. Either way Donahue’s mother paid him an enormous sum to keep it out of court.


In 1950 Donahue took up with the much older Wallis Simpson who was still married to Edward Windsor, Duke of Windsor, who had briefly been King of the British Empire in 1936. Their affair continued for four years while he financed the Windsors, and there was much speculation as to what Donahue and Simpson did with each other, although there are those who say that Donahue’s affair was actually with Edward, and that Wallis was acting as a beard.

Anonymous ID: ffa342 May 24, 2020, 1:51 p.m. No.9301153   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1210


Vallely - okay in other places his surname is given as VALLEY, and once as LEVY

I guess constantly changing the spelling of your own name, to avoid detection by searches, is a psyop of one kind.

Remember how we discovered that OCR documents frequently changed huge numbers of names and key words so conveniently when certain documents were digitized?

Anonymous ID: ffa342 May 24, 2020, 1:54 p.m. No.9301182   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1209


Lindsey Graham, don't get me started.

Dude, just come out of the closet and go open an antique store on King Street in Charleston.


Graham is another one who's too old to be in Washington and needs to go home.

I say that as a senior anon

Nobody is the same over age 60 as they were in their 40s and 50s.

Anonymous ID: ffa342 May 24, 2020, 2:01 p.m. No.9301252   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1287


Have a lot of ancestors who arrived in Charleston, including some Huguenots.

Have a few in some churchyards in town.

Plenty of names on the lists of the battles of Camden and Cowpens, cemeteries in Old 96 district later on.

Been visiting for decades, love it.

Favorite restaurant is Bowen's Island Seafood, on the way out to Folly Beach.

Brought to tears the first time I visited after Hugo :(