the use the slur tags the one using it as a cretinous ahole who destroys a good name for the purposes of pathetic propaganda.
cringe shills dominate these breads.
pointless to try to interact
there is something wrong with you.
tell us your first name so we can turn it into a slur.
no, wait, that's a sick headed and shill thing to do.
no one should be proud about your turning a name into a pejorative. you put a curse on yourself.
you participate gleefully in pejoritating people's given names.
I think that's very low brow.
I have a right to tell you this.
OK. Well as long as you're just talking about it and not using it . . . then how can I rightfully tell you to not discuss it when you aren't participating in it. and if I said not to discuss it then why would I be discussing it.
Look it, it is a name. and people do love people with that name.
PS: you don't know my views on various subjects. PS: getting ''butthurt' doesn't really help anyone. I never do.
cute guy who is it?
It's Jack Pos, And I know this I'm just being . . . a troll I suppose because . . . well that anon is trolling me too with the whole 'karen' as a pejorative thing.
dude, stop it.
Jack is Jack. He's good.
and he is a good looking man too so . . .
can't I troll that if everyone trolls how horrid he was?
I once wrote a poem 'when moss is green' and 'when moss is brown' blah blah blah.
but people are people and MOS is mostly green (most are good).
I even lament the fact that leafie made a bad choice and troll the idea of falling asleep with my head on his lap and never finding out one way or the other.
Other people troll boobs. I troll the idea of loving people that everone else want to hate.
do I really want to fall asleep with my head on leafees lap?
you can think either way. I'm trolling. What I'm really waning you're not knowing.
group think is bad.
they have to have a bad ass reputation because that's the business they are in.
OK, that's a good chuckle.
you need a list of war criminals to present as an indictment. It will not include all the members of MOS.
you know this.
I'm just putting you back in the real world, you're blinded by hate.