Anonymous ID: 8e4e48 May 24, 2020, 2:19 p.m. No.9301420   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1436 >>1444 >>1715 >>1759 >>1898 >>1931 >>2069 >>2082

New York State Makes it a Felony For Law Enforcement to Share DMV Info With DHS or ICE


As people have been distracted with the coronavirus shutdown, Governor Andrew Cuomo quietly passed the 2020 budget which contained an amendment that makes it a felony for law enforcement to share DMV information with the Department of Homeland Security or Immigration and Customs Enforcement.


The Green Light Law has essentially criminalized police work.


According to Buffalo’s ABC 7, the amendment makes it an E Felony for any law enforcement officer to share DMV records with another law enforcement agency in charge of immigration like ICE or DHS.


U.S. Attorney for the Western District of New York J.P. Kennedy has accused Cuomo of “legislating obstruction” with the new law.


“Border Patrol for example, working the highway in the middle of the night and pulls over a vehicle, they can’t run the plates to determine who owns that vehicle,” said Kennedy. “I think it’s legislating obstruction and it’s very concerning to me.”


Kennedy is also concerned about the safety of New Yorkers and called the amendment a “recipe for disaster.”



“We’ve seen how important communication and coordination in coming up with a response to the pandemic and sort of causing people to work in isolation it’s a recipe for disaster,” he said of not being able to share information. “I’m very concerned about this and I think it’s very unfortunate and makes me really question the motives of the individuals that enacted this law, if their professed interest in public safety and public health is really as important as they say they are.”


Alarmingly, this law will also have a national impact, as illegal aliens with New York plates in other states cannot have their information run by ICE or DHS.


“If any law enforcement officer in Texas ran across a New York State registered vehicle they could not run that plate if it was any officer who was involved in the enforcement of immigration law.”


Erie County Clerk Mickey Kearns told ABC 7 that this is “shocking” and “unheard of.”


“This is shocking this is unheard of and especially during a pandemic that someone, the Governor, who is under so much pressure thought about that to put that in there,” said Kearns. “We just had I think it was 29 people law enforcement people in the State of New York that just died from COVID, and they’re criminals now?”


“They basically criminalize police work in this budget,” he added.

Anonymous ID: 8e4e48 May 24, 2020, 2:20 p.m. No.9301437   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1442

Trump Suspends US Entry for Foreign Citizens Who Have Been in Brazil in Last 14 Days


Earlier in the week, Brazil became second in the list of the most coronavirus-affected countries with more than 347,000 cases, only letting the Unites States ahead with the number of infected people over 1,6 mln, as shown by Johns Hopkins University data.

Anonymous ID: 8e4e48 May 24, 2020, 2:23 p.m. No.9301466   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1503

Trump says Biden 'not mentally sharp enough' to be POTUS: 'He doesn't know he's alive'


President Trump declined to offer any positive words toward his presumptive presidential challenger Joe Biden Sunday when he was asked to state just one meritorious quality of the former vice president who is expected to be on November's ballot.


When asked during a Sunday interview with WJLA what Biden’s strongest feature was as a political opponent, Trump noted that he could have said experience but explained why he did not think it was appropriate.


“Well, I would have said experience, but he doesn't really have experience because I don't think he remembers what he did yesterday,” Trump said. “So how is that experience? He's been there a long time. He was never known as a smart person.”


Host Sharyl Attkisson then again asked Trump to “pick one good thing,” and Trump simply said, “Ah,” without giving an answer.


When asked for Biden’s weakest point, Trump had plenty to say but claimed to have trouble coming up with one in particular.


“I can't tell you,” Trump said. “I mean, I'm really serious. He's got many. I can talk about weak points all day long.”


The president then started by saying that Biden is “not mentally sharp enough to be president.” He then went on to say that the former vice president has problems with China and Russia, but then jumped back to attacking Biden’s intellect.


“Biden doesn't know, I mean, he doesn't know he's alive,” Trump continued. “I'm against somebody. Think of it. I'm against somebody that can’t answer simple questions. I've never seen anything like it, but here's what I am against. I'm against a very powerful party, the Democrats, and they can take this glass of water and say that's your candidate.”


Biden went on the attack against Trump Friday when he posted a campaign ad that claimed the president “froze like a deer in the headlights” when the coronavirus outbreak hit the U.S.


The ad called Trump “unprepared,” “indecisive,” and “paralyzed by his fear of offending the Chinese government.”


The ads are the latest from the Biden campaign and allied super PACs that criticize the president for initially downplaying the severity of the coronavirus outbreak and for fumbling the federal response to the pandemic.


The president, defending his record, has repeatedly pointed to his ban on non-U.S. citizens from flying from China to the U.S., which was implemented on Feb. 2.

Anonymous ID: 8e4e48 May 24, 2020, 2:25 p.m. No.9301491   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1630 >>1759 >>1898 >>2069 >>2082

Magnitude 5.9 earthquake strikes near Wellington


A magnitude 5.9 earthquake has struck near New Zealand's capital Wellington.

The earthquake was 46 kilometres deep and 25km northwest of Levin, according to government seismic monitor Geonet.

According to the Geonet app tens of thousands of people felt the strong quake, most of those reports came from Wellington.


Emergency officials said there were no immediate reports of damage.

According to the Geonet app tens of thousands of people felt the strong quake.


"We're having a bit of an earthquake here," Ms Ardern said in an early morning interview with Newshub's AM Show from Parliament.

"Quite a decent shake here…if you see things moving behind here."

Once the earthquake stopped, Ms Ardern calmly carried on with the interview saying she was in a "structurally sound place".

New Zealand lies on the seismically active "Ring of Fire", a 40,000km arc of volcanoes and ocean trenches girdling much of the Pacific Ocean.

Anonymous ID: 8e4e48 May 24, 2020, 3:02 p.m. No.9301900   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1917 >>2067

Americans Flood Beaches, Trampling Social Distancing Rules


After months of quarantine, Americans are finally breaking free from their homes this Memorial Day weekend, despite the potential consequences of sparking a second coronavirus wave. The battle between staying sane while cooped up in a home for months versus the ongoing pandemic is a challenging situation to balance. While some are venturing outside in absolute horror, others are putting their party face on and disregarding local public health orders.


Thousands of vacationers, few with masks and ignoring social distancing rules, flocked to Ocean City, Maryland for Memorial Day weekend. This comes as COVID-19 cases in the state topped 45,000, with the number of people hospitalized leveling off in the past several weeks.

