Anonymous ID: 03f9a0 May 24, 2020, 4:11 p.m. No.9302539   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2608

>This will all be over by November.


>What makes a good movie?

A basic script formula for a generic movie is the 3 act plot structure which features several basic events.

First you introduce your characters or your protagonist in a likeable way. They have super strengths and fatal flaws.

The protagonist in the movie for normies is the liberal agenda, prominent figures that symbolize and are engines of the paradigm.

Obama was scandal free for 8 years. His flaw which triggers the enemy (in the minds of normies) = He's black. (Overcome Racism)

Pelosi is a woman speaker of the house leading the D party in Congress, the one branch left that they control. Her flaw is she's a wreck. (Overcome Sexism)

RBG is resilient as fuck! Her flaw is her time is obviously limited. (Overcome Time which is impossible)

This is just to get the gears turning.


Now when you have your characters or protagonist or protagonists, you have to introduce their problem. The problem is Trump, wholly. He has the power to reach his base in ways that threaten the structure of society, not Liberals as physical individuals but their toxic lifestyles and ideals.

Why are Deep State people the protagonists of this movie? Because plots progress to create character transformations when they overcome their problems.

Stage 1:

>Present the problem.

>Present the easy solution.

>Show the easy solution fail.

This played out already.

<Trump won even though Dems "won the pop vote." He colluded with Russia to circumnavigate the Mainstream Media narrative, a narrative which is reality for normies. Republicans were tricked into supporting a bad guy by Russian bots.

<The Mueller probe (ez)

<Exonerated (Failure)


Stage2 (the long body of the movie):

>Complicated solution





>Point of no return



This has mostly played out already.


<Requires some serious optics control, bends/breaks rules, looks messy, needs to happen

<Senate BTFOs Ds


<Carona Virus emerges

<Commit to new normal - Control herd, mail in ballots, fear fear fear

WE ARE HERE - The point of no return.

<Carona was a fraud, true nature of Ds revealed.

<Landslide for Trump and Deep State in chains.


The reason I explain it this way is because what has to transpire is the transformation of characters in the minds of normies. Obama has to be revealed as the real evil for example. The Media has to be revealed as evil. Instead of the character succeeding with a great choice, they will fail in a manner that produces with a transformation for the viewer, like Luke losing his hand against Darth Vader who is now his Father.

One can argue normies are the protagonist and are going through their own transformation. This is also true. I'm just making a point.


Stage 3 is the aftermath, the come down off of the climax.

>Changes to the reality

>New life direction for the characters

>yada yada

Soon - Guessing:

<First arrests

<Conservative behavior permeating the land even in cities

<Rebuilding American infrastructure

<Declass declass declass