Sharyl: But does someone look at your stuff before you put it out?
President Trump: No, I don't. Sometimes I dictate. I do it two ways. I do it myself sometimes, like in the night or in the early morning. During the day I'm too busy and I'll dictate something out and they'll put it out. I have one gentleman who's excellent.
Sharyl: Who puts it out? Dan?
President Trump: Dan is great. Dan's doing a great job. So, what I have, so I'll sometimes do that just so I don't have time. Look, I'm 44 and 0 in endorsements this year, 44 and 0. Think of it. Kevin McCarthy came over and he said that, "It's the most incredible thing I've ever seen. You're 44 and 0 on endorsements, congressional endorsements." I think I'm like 178 and a tiny little number overall. Just so you understand. Sure. Every once every 500 tweets, you might have a mistake.