If China and the DNC colluded to mess with the election, why didn't they wait? We're 5 months away.
If China and the DNC colluded to mess with the election, why didn't they wait? We're 5 months away.
Presumably crimes of Hussein and the Clinton Foundation, from money laundering to bombings to national security breaches. Flynn had the clearance to see what they were doing but couldn't do anything about it.
The virus I mean. Why wouldn't they wait till closer to the election? Every virus has an end.
Sounds about right. Russiagate was being exposed pretty rapidly.
You're basically paying him to be a full-time Q researcher
but it's not like his decodes are THAT good. Plenty of other decoders that are doing just fine who don't ask for a paycheck.
I was wondering this as well - was it really 16 days? Did their iron-fist media fake a lockdown after 16 days to put on a show for the US?
Silent Running by Mike + The Mechanics
What is this shillery