Anonymous ID: 822f50 April 6, 2018, 8:46 p.m. No.930496   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>929747 This is hilarious, but not in the shallow comedic sense! I love my British brothers and sisters, and spoken absolutely without arrogance, I feel bad them! Just imagine for a moment that we had a Queen over us! That would be a seeerious head trip! I feel bummed for our British brothers and sisters because they haven't ever really experienced the kind of freedom we have, and I've always wanted that for them! Again, imagine for a moment we had a Monarchy…imagine that, that Monarchy was the type of Monarchy that reigned UNDER the "finger in the chest" "authority" of the Rothschilds! To be clear, I pass no judgment on our British brothers and sisters, but, I keep noticing "this" difference…that when I think of my American brothers and sisters, I naturally think that more than 3/5ths of our men, wouldn't stand and let a Rothschild get away with poking a condescending finger in our chest! Even most liberal men would rake his knuckles across a Rothschild's mouth before he could pull his finger back from the first poke! I know there's a lot of British men that would do the same, but nowhere near the numbers that would knock a Rothschild out here! But here's the thing, they ARE our brothers and sisters! They very well COULD, EFFECTIVELY, strike back with the same ferocity we do! And I pray, and BELIEVE they will! We've got a lot of men that are put together with yarn here, but, they, and all of us, will toughen up in a hurry, and I think that when the chips are down, we're gonna see some pretty impressive behavior that's rooted in honor, and righteousness…on both sides of the pond! I think we should be much closer, in the familial sense, with each other! I think our British brothers and sisters are gonna punch back hard!

Anonymous ID: 822f50 April 6, 2018, 9:08 p.m. No.930763   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is a radical demonstration that President Trump has some massive brass balls! Think about what's about to happen! Pres. Trump is VERY serious! We gonna start seeing footage of bodies…kind of like the old footage we've seen of Vietnam! And you KNOW our clowns are in Mexico ready with offensive strategies!