Anonymous ID: 61c4a6 May 24, 2020, 6:27 p.m. No.9304570   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4732 >>5199

Manhunt in Moscow after GUN BATTLE with KALASHNIKOV rifles & pistols erupts in broad daylight (VIDEOS)


Deafening volleys of gunfire startled residents of a sleepy residential area in south Moscow, on Sunday. They witnessed video-game-like scenes of men firing AK-47s and other guns in broad daylight below their windows.


Police have yet to comment on what prompted the violence, but several sources speculate that it was related to a conflict within the lucrative funeral business in the Russian capital.


Witnesses told reporters that it initially looked like a road rage incident. One car refused to let another pass on the narrow road, with the drivers and passengers getting out and starting to argue. The row then moved to the parking lot, where it escalated and shots were fired.


However, it's unclear how the two vehicles turned out to be occupied by armed men. Carrying firearms is illegal in Russia and isn't common.


Witnesses gasped (but kept filming) as the gunmen ran around the residential area shooting handguns and what seemed like AK-47s.


The police later clarified that they were Saiga hunting rifles, which are made by Kalashnikov and based on its legendary assault rifle.


“We heard numerous shots,” a woman who'd witnessed the gunfight from her window, told news outlet Life, saying she thought at first that someone was setting off firecrackers.


“It was very scary,” she said, also describing how mothers in the yard grabbed their kids and rushed to safety when the shootout started.


Five of the perpetrators were later detained and taken to a police station for questioning. One person was reportedly injured in the shootout. He claims he was an innocent bystander who came to rent an apartment at the complex, but ended up a victim of the fracas.


Investigators have launched a criminal probe into attempted murder, illegal possession of firearms and hooliganism.


Videos from the scene showed the aftermath of the gunfight, with cars and walls of residential buildings bullet-ridden.

Anonymous ID: 61c4a6 May 24, 2020, 6:38 p.m. No.9304688   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4715

Sen. Rick Scott: Bill of Rights allows Americans to worship at church service, no matter what gov't leaders say


"I trust the American public. I think they're gonna make good decisions."


Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) believes that Americans have the right to worship at a church service, no matter what any government leaders say. Scott appeared on CNN's "State of the Union" on Sunday, and said he "trusts the American public to make good decisions" during the coronavirus pandemic.


"It doesn't matter what a governor says or president or local leaders," Scott told host Dana Bash. "We have the Bill of Rights. We have a right to worship. We have a right to get together, and respect — and we need to respect people's religions."


"Do I believe that government should be telling us what to do? Do I believe government can tell us we don't have a right to worship? I don't believe they can," Scott continued. "I have the Bill of Rights, I have the right to worship at a church service if I want to do it. I don't believe they have a right to stop me."


"All Floridians, all Americans, have a Bill of Rights, and we have a right to worship if they want to," Scott added. "I believe people are going to do it safely."


"This is America, we have rights in the country," Scott said. "We have the Bill of Rights. Follow it."


On Friday, President Donald Trump declared religious services to be essential and demanded states to allow people to worship.


"The governors need to do the right thing and allow these very important essential places of faith to open right now," Trump said. "For this weekend. If they don't do it, I will override the governors. In America, we need more prayer, not less."


Bash asked the Florida senator on his position about people wearing face masks to help stop the spread of COVID-19.


"Do I believe people ought to wear masks? Yep, I do believe people ought to wear masks. Do I believe people ought to social distance? Yep, I believe people ought to social distance," Scott responded. "Do we need the president, the governors, and all the local officials to tell us how to lead our lives every day? No. We'll figure this out. We want to keep our families safe. We want to keep our friends safe. And we're going to do this in a safe manner."


"I trust the American public," Scott said. "I think they're gonna make good decisions."

Anonymous ID: 61c4a6 May 24, 2020, 6:40 p.m. No.9304705   🗄️.is 🔗kun

LNA Says It Shot Down 13 Drones Near Tarhunah In Last Few Days


On May 24, a spokesman for the Libyan National Army (LNA) claimed that 13 Turkish combat drones were shot down near the town of Tarhunah in the last few days.


Maj. Gen. Ahmed al-Mesmari denied recent reports claiming that army units are withdrawing from the outskirt of the capital, Tripoli. The spokesman said army is “relocating its troops.”


“The Libyan Armed Forces have made major changes in the past 72 hours,” the spokesman said.


According to Maj. Gen. al-Mesmari, the Libyan Air Force (LAF) is now, once again, restoring sovereignty over large parts of the country.


In the last two days, two of the drones the LNA claimed to shot down turned out to be Chinese-made Wing Loong IIs, a type that’s known to be operated by the UAE, the main backer of the LNA. Some of the other drones were Turkish-made Bayraktar TB2.


Recent reports claimed that the LAF received several Mig-29s fighter jets. On the other side, Turkey reportedly deployed more air-defense systems to support the Government of National Accord (GNA).


The LNA and GNA forces are bracing for a large battle in western Libya, likely around Tarhunah. Both sides don’t appear to be interested in a political settlement right now.

Anonymous ID: 61c4a6 May 24, 2020, 6:41 p.m. No.9304719   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4828

China’s New National Security Law


Details of the new law are coming in the weeks ahead, likely in June.


The measure aims to counter months of US orchestrated nonviolent and violent protests that rocked Hong Kong last year — led by 5th column elements.


Orchestrated by US dark forces, the move was and remains a scheme to destabilize and weaken China, along with other tactics aiming to accomplish the same thing.


Hong Kong is Chinese territory. It’s no longer an exploited British colony or a political football to be kicked around by the US at its discretion.


On Thursday, the South China Morning Post (SCMP) explained that Beijing tabled a resolution “to craft and pass a new national security law tailor-made for Hong Kong,” adding:


It’ll “proscribe secessionist and subversive activity as well as foreign interference and terrorism in the city – all developments that had been troubling Beijing for some time, but most pressingly over the past year of increasingly violent anti-government protests.”


Beijing is acting to halt them because of failure by Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) authorities to accomplish this objective legislatively.


Under Article 23 of the Basic Law that regulates relations between Beijing and the HKSAR, city authorities are empowered as follows:


It’s their responsibility to “enact laws on its own to prohibit any act of treason, secession, sedition, subversion against the Central People’s Government, or theft of state secrets, to prohibit foreign political organizations or bodies from conducting political activities in the Region, and to prohibit political organizations or bodies of the Region from establishing ties with foreign political organizations or bodies.”


None of the above was accomplished by the HKSAR so Beijing is acting on its own to legitimately protect national security from hostile foreign actions that aim to weaken and undermine China’s sovereignty and development — mainly by the US under both right wings of its war party.


China’s move comes at a time when hostile Trump regime actions risk rupturing Sino/US relations altogether.


Beijing’s national security law aims to “fix loopholes (in) the legislative system” that governs Hong Kong, China’s Global Times (GT) explained.


It aims to counter “external forces and local separatists (that) continue to erode the (city’s) foundation…”


The measure is being prepared and finalized during Beijing’s annual Central People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) that began Thursday.


Its National People’s Congress (NPC) began Friday, the national security resolution on its agenda — to be voted on next week, adopted and sent to a Standing Committee to prepare actual details of the measure.

Anonymous ID: 61c4a6 May 24, 2020, 6:43 p.m. No.9304744   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Robert O’Brien: China Covered Up the Extent of the Coronavirus Pandemic


“This was a virus that was unleashed by China. There was a coverup that someday they’re going to do an HBO show like they did with Chernobyl on this virus,” Robert O’Brien, the National Security Advisor said on CBS’ “Face the Nation” Sunday. O’Brien was referring to the 2019 miniseries that dramatized the 1986 explosion of a reactor at a nuclear power plant in Ukraine and the response from Soviet officials.


“China covered up the virus. I mean, the– the Chinese knew this was happening in November, December, January and were giving false information to the World Health Organization.”


“Are you accusing Beijing or local Chinese authorities? asked Margaret Brennan.


“Well, look, we– we don’t know it because they won’t– they kicked out all the reporters and they wouldn’t let CDC investigators come in and they’re still stonewalling an investigation,” continued O’Brien.


“So we don’t know who in the Chinese government did it, but it doesn’t matter if it was a local Chinese government or the Communist Party of China. This is a real problem and it cost many, many thousands of lives in America and around the world because the real information was not allowed to get out. And it was a cover-up. And– and we’ll get to the bottom of it eventually. But it’s hard to do in a closed– in a communist closed society. It’s hard to get to the bottom of what happened.”

Anonymous ID: 61c4a6 May 24, 2020, 6:45 p.m. No.9304771   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Government adds NIS 14 billion to coronavirus financial aid package


Finances will also serve the acceleration of infrastructure projects, including connecting businesses to optical fiber cables, and to enable advance payments of so-far unclaimed deposits by soldiers.


The government approved a proposal on Sunday to increase its financial aid package to battle the impact of the coronavirus by an additional NIS 14 billion ($3.96b.), rising to a cumulative total of approximately NIS 100b. ($28.3b.).


Additional funds include the allocation of NIS 6b. ($1.7b.) to incentivize businesses to bring back workers from unpaid leave; a NIS 4b. ($1.13b.) government-secured loan fund for businesses in particularly vulnerable industries; finances to adapt government ministries to new Health Ministry requirements; and to increase professional training programs and occupational testing for jobseekers.


Finances will also serve the acceleration of infrastructure projects, including connecting businesses to optical fiber cables, and to enable advance payments of so-far unclaimed deposits (pikadon) by released soldiers.


“We approved today in the government the expansion of the economic aid program for the economy by an additional NIS 14 billion in a joint effort by the Finance Ministry and Prime Minister’s Office, with the approval bringing the total program to NIS 100 billion,” said new Finance Minister Israel Katz.


“This is a vital step in the management process for the crisis that we are encountering, both for the citizens of the State of Israel and for the rapid reduction of unemployment in the country. I will continue to work for you, to lead the market and the Israeli economy towards growth.”

Anonymous ID: 61c4a6 May 24, 2020, 7:11 p.m. No.9305049   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ilhan Omar Believes Joe Biden Accuser Tara Reade: ‘Justice Should Never Be Denied’


Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MI) has revealed that she believes Tara Reade’s sexual assault claims against presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden, warning that the historical nature of the allegations should not deny her justice.


In an interview with Britain’s Sunday Times, the far-left congresswoman said she trusted Reade’s claims that Joe Biden sexually assaulted her in the halls of Congress while she was working for him as a staffer when Biden was the Senator for Delaware.


“I do believe Reade,” she told the newspaper. “Justice can be delayed, but should never be denied.” According to the interviewer, Omar added that if it was up to her, Biden would not be the Democratic nominee.


Omar’s comments underlined the sharp divisions between the Democratic Party establishment and its growing number of far-left lawmakers, all of whom opposed Biden’s candidacy.


Despite being cheerleaders of the #MeToo anti-sexual harassment movement, practically all major party figures (including Biden himself) have ignored or dismissed the allegations outright, having previously argued that all women should be believed whether or not they can provide evidence.


Meanwhile Omar’s most prominent ally in Congress, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), admitted last week that it “certainly seems as though something has happened.” Both women were strong supporters of Bernie Sanders’s unsuccessful bid for the nomination.


“There have been investigative journalists that have corroborated certain aspects of her account — that is undeniable — [and] have raised questions about other aspects of her account,” Ocasio-Cortez told NPR. “I’m not sure. Frankly, this is a messy moment, and I think we need to acknowledge that — that it is not clear-cut.”


Biden, who has been accused of misconduct by seven other women, has fervently denied the allegations, and he claims not to even remember who Reade is. Last week, he even called on voters who believed her account not to vote for him in November.


“I think they should vote their heart, and if they believe Tara Reade, they probably shouldn’t vote for me,” he said on MSNBC’s The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell. “I wouldn’t vote for me if I believed Tara Reade.”