Some airliners will land themselves. "AutoLand" but someone best be there to configure the airplane before the FAF, You know, putting flaps out, throwing the landing gear down etc……ain;t no landing anything without a crew. That's call a fucking crash.
What you on anon?
In good hands anon!! kek
You too? Equipment faggot.
uh………………..NO!! kek
kek…………..yea, that don't work too good.
Go Around.
Don't remember off the top of my head anon but I believe the Ron Brown crew was shooting an ADF (NDB) approach not an ILS. Non Precision vs. Precision. In mountainous terrain no less. Better be on it!!
Dayum…………didn't know about that anon.
If your on an ILS you have been cleared for the approach. Or, you've been given a vector to join the localizer with approach clearance expected shortly . Can still have the clearance canceled and given a miss to fly. Doesn't happen that often.