The Doors — Soul Kitchen
after midnight, all party ends up in the kitchen….. every time
The Doors — Soul Kitchen
after midnight, all party ends up in the kitchen….. every time
play quarters till dawn
" Democrats " say --– Free Pass For Joe
Democrats say Biden's apology for 'you ain't black' comment is enough
( THIS — is a 4 am talking point from C.F.R. dispatch )
worthless and weak
Nobody expects the Q-Anon InQuisition ,,,,!
indians scattered on dawns highway bleeding
ghosts crowd the young childs fragile eggshell mind…
Peace Frog
just say your name is MOBSTER Whitey Bulger and FBI and Meuller will give you a free pass to keep killing and running dope as long as they get some small fish to fry —- Just in time for new BUDGETS
Listen …… Understand, that socialism is out there
it dosent feel pain , or pity , or remorse …
and it absouletly will not stop until you are dead !
Kyle Reese —
silent running
lotsa bot crap up in the joynt tonight