um…hummitty hum!
Yeah, women are the key to being on the bench because they live a lot longer than men on average.
If she were picked, she would serve another 30 maybe 40 years on the Supreme Court! (who knows, maybe medicine will advance far enough that she might actually serve into her 100's?)
Especially if video conferencing is going to be the new norm.
Makes AI Deep Fakes very powerful, yes?
>read some books.
It actually is, so much so that I am really thinking about opening a bakery under that name with Anon memes for artwork!
She ded.
Yesterday an Anon posted that the 302 was altered under directions of McCabe, and then given to Clapper, who then notified Obama.
That's back when Beaver was Beaver and a Pussy was a Pussy.
Somebody voice record themselves saying something smart and funny.