I see. But don't we already know.
Weren't those docs already destroyed by W. in the last months of his terms when they went on a doc-destruction spree.
Aren't most of the docs "doctored" anyway. False leads left deliberately?
After 50 years do you really think they are sitting on incrimination docs?
What else do you need to know? It' s all perfectly public knowledge for those who know how to read and to think?
there's always one more thing they dangle
the "Smoking Gun"
"If we only had the smoking gun"
that's such a joke!
That's how they lured Casolaro to his death "We have the paperwork that will prove it for you. "
"If you only that paperwork"
"If you only had that smoking gun"
But no matter how many times you've proved it over and over and over; they will pretend you haven't and will ask for more evidence.
You need one strong piece of evidence, you don't need 500 - but they will gaslight you to make you think that you do.
When you give them moar evidence, they will go back to the first thing they asked for and pretend you didn't deliver it.
I trust President Donald J. Trump to release the rest of the docs related to JFK, as he said he would. once the time is right.
Even though I have doubt any remaining docs would add anything to what is already known - since I believe most of relevance have been already destroyed or falsified. And the puzzle of what, who, how and why - is solved - though they will never let you admit that.