I agree with this faggot. or not a faggot. doesn't really matter. I agree.
well glow sticks are kinda cool, so there's that
Maybe the endgame should be something more…
This should be the end game. Cut Government to a sliver of what it is today. It was never meant to be what it has become. We need to fix that. States government should be for protection only. Same with Federal. Not telling people what they can or can't do.
Hey… don't be racist toward plaid! or be a fat shaming fatcist… or gaycist or chubaphobic… or whatever ! No hurt feelings allowed! (see my blue hair swing in protest)
Also, everyone line up for your "good for you inoculation" and everything will be like peaches and cream.
can't find my plaid Pepe… have a Memorial Day one instead!
He seems nice.
maybe try a grown-up font
just fyi
Any post that says even the word jew…
my brain just skips over at this point.
After 3 years of you ppl trying to make whatever point you are trying to make, you have numbed my brain to even give a single shit about it.
Maybe that will change in the future, if someone can bring some fresh info… in a new format… but you people have successfully made me not give a single fuck about your obvious obsession. Maybe that was your goal all along. If so, congrats! You were successful!!! Get extra on your paycheck! Ask for a raise! You deserve it!