Kevin Shipp post feedback
requesting some opinions.
I always read Sgt. B, W&W stuff, get very monotonous but remember they brought up Musk as someone to watch, said doesnt matter EMs loyalty but may surprise us what he does, then he pulled out of Cal and the red pill thing habbened.
I can see when they B, W&W visit they hedge in terms of knowing Q, but Q not sanctioning, feeling like they are stepping on toes, but feel they are justified in helping, even citing Q in a sense as they being part of plan. Q does mention W&W many times, sometimes as part of team, and sorta third party sometimes (my interpretation) but integrated in plan.
I do not know much of shipp, except his twitter bio, etc. He seems complimentary of anons and with his bio that seems good, and makes me feel our service is important to many and our nation.
Valhelly piece on NVA was interdasting when i first read it!, the Aquino guy is he frens w/Valhelly, working together. I want nothing to do with the satanic stuff regardless of means justify ends. I am not too deep into syria but not sure i agree with overthrowing assad for economic (FSArmy) reasons, pipelines and using US MIL and Intel for thrid party profit, even if it offsets russia control/supply of EU energy. I feel those are clown ops which contribute to our selling out of america and got us in the hot mess we are in now.
May be dumb ?, but is shipp saying HAMMR, montgomery program? will come up, or is hammer another reference. btw- I may have met montgomery (not 100% it was hammr DM) around late 2001, 2002, approached me in airport after hearing convo i had on plane, gave me his name and we talked about pipelines in ME (i have background w/major oil co) seemed very humble.
thx for helping out a confused anon here with any opinions, weighing two conflicting data sets for cred and support helps. B and W&W seemed to allude to and said they are not truly 'good', have done some real bad but for good reasons???