god [is / is not]
creator of [evil]
god [is / is not]
creator of [evil]
hold the line
mull.<tip>.pull .rivers. can run | parallel |
.rivers. pool when they collide
[con] <fluence>
does it matter
just make sure you [R] on the [R]<ightside of >her<story
.vehicles can't collide on the internet
simple math
the vessel is not the vehicle
vessel collide
vassal collide
.ventricular atrium
see the blood flow in the brain
/_\ sub.straight
edit .fear.factors
i know nothing or i would tell you word for word.
it is the space between. contrast is not dark or light.
it is
system{s} <op| ORATION |
>comm> > padre > >
ask the [ ]
it is all <one><verse>
does it ]matter[ or material.<lies>
the world will be the whirled
trans.atlantic highway
connect to the silk road
all is pause.able in the feel[D]
largest single shift in consciousness
noitulover | revolution
<glow>.ball cult[of UR]
is | not | america first
w. [ache][up]
[G][I.D.] the pea.<nut[pack][king] <pro>[CESS]
]cess[ pool <organ>[i][see]
the anus is coming online
yes. your ass chakra
AKA root chakra
find your roots
you beautiful trees
the movie only began
in the beginning
with the [WORD]
a vibration
that created a bang
and in galactic time
you were nearly instantly manifested
on the face of god's green earth
do you <comm><plain>?
there is always a /_\
primary function
release the cOre
cicada 3301
release them
or eat shit
change [UR]cult[UR]
ley the lines
generation [x][y][z]
u cant abolish the global deepstate
they are the government in many nations
and there is no patriot force on the ground
to take control of the narrative or anything else.
[the cabal] will maintain much control
[UN] will shut down the trafficking
but just being a rich businessman in governmentโฆ doesn't make you "on the list"
<frequent><seein the same <frequency>
dumbass site for dumbass bitches to gossip about ur asshole
self. selF. seLF. sELF. SELF. {SELF}. |SELF|
size matters
america does not have much interest in stopping chinese aggression in their region of "sovereignty"
enough of global warfare
[] conventional [] economic [] information
[] outer.space [] inner.space []
respect china's right to assert territorial controls
there are 2 superpowers on earth
whether you like it or not
the war is economic competition
no more [please]
change yourself. change the world.
try to change china pollicy. start a war.
to china
is a [US CORP] violation of HUMAN RIGHTS
blame china blame china blame china
i blame Sam Waltons children.
the spoiled offspring of the the corporate conglomerate
[china] speaks the language of [time]
][ they always arrive on time
china has been a.ROUND much longer than L151 cunt.tree
the use of a federal reserve is a private currency manipulation mechanism used by the united states. its w/ever with the chinese shit. their money. not mine
elect DJT
print moor current.see
faggot idiot
due u no how expensive your plastic toilet bowl brushes are gonna cost.
nah. that shit went dry a few years back
yea. cuz i care.
future proves past
.fake ass is right
at least [u][r] not completely blind
can i help you or did you just need to defend your savior, DONALD JOHN TRUMP!
the grand puppethead of the plan
dude ain't running shit.
admiral rogers is in charge because he is in the bottleneck position in CoC
the power always lies in the postmaster
to deliver of the message
from >< to NSC
thru [the project]
and across the airwaves.
admiral rogers is the postmaster between the plan and the president.
yes. i am always talking to myself.
that one time
anarchists co-opted the right
fucking remember
this so called "patriot"
crawled out from under a rock
call redneckism
Hi Kim
the <leftis shifting from to the <light>
get a fucking <GRIP>
ty every day
other side of thee wormhole in next bread
u dont know ur ass from ur crown