I believe that every human being is called to specific tasks within this mortal life; tasks of which no other human being on the face of the earth can fulfill.
I believe that the path of each individual was written by God before the foundation of the world, and each human is equipped with all that is needed to complete their specific task(s), no matter how mundane or noble.
I believe that those to whom it is required to give "the ultimate sacrifice" were deemed before conception to do so. It is a noble calling of God placed upon them.
The Almighty is completely Sovereign, so it must be.
Why are they chosen? Why them and not others? I've often wondered.
There are no human words, no amount of flowers, no sense of gratitude which will ever be sufficient to honor their sacrifice. Every human effort is feeble in light of what they gave.
In the end, when they passed over, may they all have heard the Words of their Creator, "Well done, though good and faithful servant."
'''Douglas MacArthur on the American Soldier"
“In his youth and strength, his love and loyalty, he gave all that mortality can give…”
posted by The Heritage Foundation