In the Movie (and Animated Series on MTV) of Aeon Flux, the planet Earth was ravaged by a killer virus in 2011. A man named Trevor Goodchild developed a vaccine that saved the world, but by that time 90% of the World's population was wiped out.
Part of the side effects of the vaccine was that it made people sterile. The Goodchilds kept this secret from the public and they developed a method of cloning dead people and then implanting the cloned embryos into live human hosts when they were called in for a "physical".
Recycling Dead people.
I actually didn't think too much about that movie until now, and I just watched it last night it seemed moar interdasting then what it was before. Probably from reading all this shit on this board!
I am sure that is in the plan as well. Letting the "vaccine" sterilize us without us knowing.