Anonymous ID: e32412 May 25, 2020, 5:41 p.m. No.9314749   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Attorney Files “Corporate Invasion” Lawsuit Against Verizon Over Planned 5G Towers in His Yard and Neighborhood


The case is Kaspers v. Verizon Wireless Services LLC, case number 1:20-cv-02142, in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia.


An Atlanta attorney claims Verizon Wireless sent subcontractors to his neighborhood in a "corporate invasion" that aims to build a 5G tower in his yard, putting him and his neighbors at risk of contracting COVID-19 from the unmasked workers as well as diseases purportedly linked to 5G.


Bill Kaspers, whose firm Kaspers & Associates Law Offices LLC is in midtown Atlanta, said in his proposed class action that a Verizon subcontractor without a face mask knocked on his door in the Derby Hills neighborhood in late March. Standing just past the doorway — not 6 feet away, as recommended during the pandemic — the subcontractor told Kaspers that Verizon planned to dig a hole in his front yard to put in a pole for a 5G cell radio transmission unit, according to the suit filed in Georgia federal court Tuesday. The case was entered into the court system Thursday.


Kaspers, who's almost 72, said he repeatedly asked the man to step back and maintain at least 6 feet of distance between the two of them, but the subcontractor repeatedly stepped too close. Kaspers then asked him to leave the neighborhood, but he refused until Kaspers said he would call the police, per the complaint. The next week, a Verizon crew came back to dig the hole. Kaspers said he called their suburb's city attorney, who sent a health department official to get the crew to leave the neighborhood.


Kaspers said the subcontractor and crew put him and his neighbors, many of whom are also older, at an elevated risk of contracting the coronavirus. On top of that, he pointed to a number of studies that have purportedly found radiation from a 5G cell unit can cause cancer "and other serious and potentially permanently debilitating health conditions in people of all ages."


"Moreover, the decrease in value of residences near a 5G cell unit is even greater than 20% for residences which are closer/closest to the emanating 5G cell unit," he said, adding that the tower will be roughly 100 feet from the bedrooms in his home.


If Verizon is permitted to install and use the 5G pole in Kasper's yard, he and his neighbors will have to "live in constant fear and dread regarding when and how seriously they will contract the serious and potentially fatal health conditions and problems," he said.


Kasper is alleging unlawful trespass and resulting property devaluation, unlawful taking of property and of the joy and benefits of homeownership, fraud and intentional infliction of emotional distress, among other claims.


He's looking to represent between 110 and 220 individuals who own homes in the Derby Hills residential area "who have been subjected to threats by defendant Verizon and defendant's installation subcontractor of the installation and operation of 5G high frequency transmission cell units" throughout the neighborhood.


Kasper wants a Georgia federal judge to permanently block Verizon from installing the pole and 5G in his yard. He's also after unspecified damages, attorney fees and court costs.


Kaspers and Verizon representatives didn't immediately return requests for comment late Thursday.


Kaspers is representing himself.


Counsel information for Verizon wasn't immediately available Thursday.

Anonymous ID: e32412 May 25, 2020, 5:42 p.m. No.9314760   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4837 >>4909 >>5282 >>5383 >>5414 >>5429

Johns Hopkins Death Toll Does NOT Include States’ Downward Adjustments, Ignores Fundamental Flaws in Data


Memorial Day stories in the Associated Press and the New York Times each claim that the U.S. death toll from the Wuhan COVID-19 virus is approaching 100,000.

AP says it’s “nearly 100,000.” The Times, dramatically invoking language reminiscent of the Iraq War, says that “America is fast approaching a grim milestone … of 100,000 lives lost.” The AP directly cites Johns Hopkins’ COVID Dashboard as its data source. The Times also uses the Dashboard’s data, but rarely acknowledges it.

Following these two outlets’ lead, hundreds, if not thousands, of establishment media outlets and leftist platforms act as if the JH Dashboard’s reported death tallies represent the undisputed gospel truth. THEY DO NOT.

Here are three specific known reasons seen recently:

  1. As Gateway Pundit noted on May 16, Colorado reduced its reported death count by 278.


  1. As GWP noted on Tuesday May 19, New Jersey reduced its death toll by 1,400 at nursing homes from its official tally. The new coronavirus death total for New Jersey’s long-term care (LTC) facilities, which was lowered from 5,700 to 4,295. This funny math was used to make the Democrat state leaders look better as the death toll in the Garden State continued to climb.

  2. As The Freedom Foundation in Washington State reported on May 18, the Evergreen State’s “COVID-19 death total is inflated by as much as 13 percent due to state’s practice of counting every person who tests positive for COVID-19 and subsequently dies, even if the death was not caused by COVID-19.” Specifically, “106 (13 percent) deaths involved persons who had previously tested positive for COVID-19 but did not have the virus listed anywhere on their death certificate as either causing or contributing to death.”

It should be obvious that two of these three instances should have led to downward adjustments to state and nationwide death tolls. But the JH Dashboard’s reported death tolls in Colorado, New Jersey and Washington State have increased steadily during the past 10 days without interruption.

Taking a deeper dive into the statistical mess, John Lott and Dr. Timothy Craig Allen published a column on May 16 which demonstrated that “The US is Dramatically Overcounting Coronavirus Deaths.”

Among the specifics:


– The article quoted Illinois’ Director of Public Health, who admitted that “technically even if you died of clear alternative cause, but you had COVID at the same time, it’s still listed as a COVID death.”


– In two of the hardest-hit counties in Michigan, “medical examiners classify any deaths as Coronavirus deaths when the postmortem test is positive. Even people who died in suicides and automobile accidents meet that definition.”


– “The (CDC’s) rules direct them to do this.” Deborah Birx has acknowledged that “if someone dies with COVID-19, we are counting that as a COVID-19 death.” This practice is not consistent with what other countries are doing, nor is it consistent with how CDC told localities to document causes of death before the Chinese virus appeared.


– Beyond that, Lott and Allen note that New York State “is classifying cases as Coronavirus deaths even when postmortem tests have been negative. Despite negative tests, classifications are based on symptoms, even though the symptoms are often very similar to those of the seasonal flu.” Further the CDC has “advise(d) doctors that “it is acceptable to report COVID-19 on a death certificate” even if the virus’s involvement is only “suspected”! In April, apparently encouraged by this guidance, New York State added “3,700 additional people who were presumed to have died of the coronavirus but had never tested positive.” Even without evidence of positive tests, Johns Hopkins added these deaths to its Dashboard.

Anonymous ID: e32412 May 25, 2020, 5:43 p.m. No.9314772   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4844 >>4869

Turkey's Erdogan: No one can take Palestine's lands


The Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem is red line for Muslims worldwide, says Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Eid holiday message


Turkey’s president on Sunday reiterated his country’s support for Palestine as the Muslim world celebrates Eid al-Fitr, the holiday marking the end of the holy month of Ramadan.


“We will not allow the Palestinian lands to be offered to anyone else,” Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in a video message on Twitter addressed to US Muslims.


“I would like to reiterate that al-Quds Al-Sharif, the holy site of three religions and our first kiblah, is a red line for all Muslims worldwide,” Erdogan said, referring to the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, also known by Jews as the Temple Mount, and home to the Christian Church of the Holy Sepulchre. The Turkish President added:


It is clear that the global order has long failed to produce justice, peace, serenity, and order.


“Last week we witnessed that a new occupation and annexation project, which disregards Palestine’s sovereignty and international law, was put into action by Israel,” he added.


Israel has said it will annex parts of the West Bank on July 1, as agreed to between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Benny Gantz, the head of the Blue and White party.


The plan has drawn outrage worldwide, and especially sharp condemnation in Turkey.


The West Bank, including East Jerusalem, is seen as occupied territory under international law, thus making all Jewish settlements there – as well as the planned annexation – illegal.

Anonymous ID: e32412 May 25, 2020, 5:44 p.m. No.9314794   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4822 >>4852 >>5258

"The US Is Bluffing": China Claims Trump Too "Weakened" By Pandemic To Intervene In Hong Kong


In his overnight market commentary, Rabobank's Michael Every laid out an interesting hypothesis why markets continue to fade the risk of a serious escalation in tensions between the US and China: "within serious HK money circles there is absolute certainty that the US is now an EU-style paper tiger and has no stomach for a real fight, and that Trump is so beholden to Wall Street that he won’t dare act."


And while Every himself disagrees with this sanguine assessment, saying this stance "captures the self-confidence in Beijing but utterly fails to capture the bipartisan anger in DC, or the fact that both sides are using Beijing as a stick to beat each other with in the 2020 presidential election, or that the US has financial weapons as fearsome as its military, or that the Fed is there to prop up the stock market anyway", he appears to have a point regarding China's "self-confidence."


In an editorial published in China's Global Times, the authors claim that Trump is indeed nothing but a paper tiger and that "US talk of Hong Kong a nothingburger" in response to Beijing's formulation of a national security law. To be sure, the article is filled with the usual jingoist allegations, first claiming that "the US is again leading the Western camp in besieging China" a stance that is driven by the "compression of Western values", resulting from "the rise of emerging markets and developing countries becoming increasingly independent."


The editorial then makes a rather valid point that how China frames national security in the context of Hong Kong is entirely its own matter and not that of the US:


Fighting the national security law for Hong Kong is not a universal value and cannot withstand serious scrutiny. Isn't national security the top priority for each and every country? Washington has always used national security as an excuse to suppress normal commercial activities. Saying that the national security law in Hong Kong hinders the city's high degree of autonomy and ends its freedom will hardly fool all Westerners, let alone manipulate the whole international community.


China indeed has every right to pursue whatever it sees as its national interest; the real question is who will suffer more from the explicit return of Hong Kong under China rule. And while Trump has claimed that Hong Kong will be crippled as a financial gateway to China should it lose its special trade status with the US, China counters that the US is no longer a critical partners, read source of foreign funds (a curious position considering China's capital account is about to turn negative and will, more than ever, rely on outside sources of capital). Instead, the Global Times argues that as Hong Kong's relationship with the US fades, it will be replaced by a more powerful one with China:


The biggest pillar for Hong Kong's status as an international financial center is its role as a window to the Chinese mainland as well as its special relationship with the mainland economy.


The special trade status given by the US is important, but is not a decisive factor to determine whether Hong Kong is a financial center or not. As long as the economy in the Chinese mainland keeps booming, Hong Kong will not decline. If the US changes its policy toward Hong Kong, that will result in a lose-lose situation. But Hong Kong will be able to adjust and maintain its prosperity with the support of the Chinese central government.

Anonymous ID: e32412 May 25, 2020, 5:45 p.m. No.9314799   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4861

Afghanistan’s Eid Ceasefire Draws Reactions From US, World


Afghan government cheers move, will respect truce


The Taliban has announced a three-day ceasefire on Sunday to coincide with the Eid al-Fitr celebration at the end of Ramadan. The Ghani government praised this move, and has promised to respect the truce for three days.


This marks the first ceasefire since the US-Taliban peace deal. An Eid al-Fitr ceasefire was also held in 2018, and was successful for the three days, though ultimately was not extended afterward, despite some offers to do so.


This comes at a good time, and not just because of the holiday. Violence has been ongoing since the peace deal, and this is the first move to an intra-Afghan peace. The Ghani government is talking about following through with prisoner releases, which has been a major obstacle to the peace process. US and global powers all praised the ceasefire.


If prisoners are released, it is easy to see the two sides extending the ceasefire going forward, and talks meant to have been started weeks ago could finally start happening in earnest.

Anonymous ID: e32412 May 25, 2020, 5:47 p.m. No.9314812   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4856 >>5206 >>5352

Cuomo admits 'we all failed' at making coronavirus projections


New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo admitted Monday that coronavirus projections from experts were all wrong – and he's getting out of the business of speculating because of it.


Cuomo said he can't predict when the hospitalization and death rate numbers will drop to the necessary threshold required for reopening certain regions because as he put it, "we all failed" at predicting.


"Now, people can speculate. People can guess. I think next week, I think two weeks, I think a month," Cuomo told reporters on Memorial Day. "I'm out of that business because we all failed at that business. Right? All the early national experts. Here's my projection model. Here's my projection model. They were all wrong. They were all wrong."


Cuomo's rare admission came during an event at the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum in New York City when a reporter asked the governor when hard-hit New York City might reopen.


Cuomo mentioned the statewide criteria that regions needed to hit to phase out of quarantine, which included a 14-day decline in coronavirus hospitalizations and deaths. But, he admitted he didn't "want to guess" when the Big Apple could meet the benchmark because past projections have been wrong.


"There are a lot of variables. I understand that. We didn't know what the social distancing would actually amount to. I get it, but we were all wrong," Cuomo said. "So, I'm sort of out of the guessing business, right? We watched the numbers. We prepare as the numbers drop, so when the number actually hits the threshold, we're ready to go. We just finished that. We're in the midst of that with Long Island, Mid-Hudson region, etc. But… I don't want to guess."

Anonymous ID: e32412 May 25, 2020, 5:49 p.m. No.9314838   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Italy: Magistrates attacked Salvini despite knowing he was right, leaks show


Recently leaked social media messages show that Italian magistrates publicly accused former Minister of the Interior Matteo Salvini of violating the law while he was in office despite privately indicating that they knew he was in the right.


Salvini, the leader of the populist Right-wing Lega party, served as Minister of the Interior from June 2018 until September 2019, when he was ousted after putting forward a motion for a no confidence vote in Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte. A harsh critic of illegal migration, Salvini advanced staunch anti-migration policies during his term.


Italy’s magistrates publicly attacked Salvini on an almost daily basis during 2018 for his policies towards migration. They claimed that his closing of Italy’s ports to migrants was illegal. He was also accused of violating migration laws by detaining migrants when they arrived at Italian ports, and he faces the possibility of standing trial for this alleged offence later this year.


The Italian newspaper La Verità has now published a private WhatsApp conversation between magistrates, dating from August 2018, in which their true views about Salvini are revealed, according to a report by Il Giornale.


“I’m sorry to say that I don’t really see where Salvini is wrong,” Paolo Auriemma, the Chief Prosecutor for Viterbo, wrote in the chat to Luca Palamara, former President of the National Association of Magistrates. “Attempts to enter Italy illegally are being made, and the Minister of the Interior is intervening to prevent this from happening.”


“You are right,” Palamara replied. “But now we have to attack [Salvini].”


The two also agreed on the importance of not allowing the contents of their chat of being publicised.


Elsewhere in the chat, Auriemma expressed his fear that efforts to attack Salvini could backfire, since, he says, “everyone thinks like him.” He also points out that the Italian public feels that “he did a good job in blocking the migrants.” He also said that Sicilian prosecutors who were targeting Salvini were “indefensible” because he was merely blocking illegal immigrants from entering the country.


Palamara himself was recently investigated for allegedly accepting bribes from lawyers who were involved in yet another corruption investigation.


This exchange is apparently only one example among many in the leaked conversations in which magistrates discussed the need to attack Salvini in spite of knowing that he was operating within the bounds of the law.


Salvini and other MPs from the Lega party are now calling for an investigation on the grounds that the messages indicate that the independence of the judiciary from politics has been violated. This is especially crucial now that there is a possibility of Salvini being sent for trial for these same alleged offences.


Salvini was also recently attacked by infamous Left-wing extremist financier George Soros, who accused Salvini of wanting to take Italy out of the European Union and the Eurozone, as previously reported by Voice of Europe.