Anonymous ID: 472a9b May 25, 2020, 11:19 p.m. No.9317475   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7487 >>7491




what ought to scare you the most is that it doesn't ackshully work. it can't work. not enough data points or resolution

to generate 7 billion unique identifiers. meaning someday you could be mis-identified as an actual bad guy,

and you would have about as much hope of beating it in court as you would have of beating planted DNA evidence.

Anonymous ID: 472a9b May 26, 2020, 12:06 a.m. No.9317679   🗄️.is đź”—kun



stick to hacking computers or whatever it is you do. none of you know jackshit about chemistry.


"And when I noticed that the protocol used with HCQ includes Zinc sulfate, a less commonly used form of Zinc, I wondered if the sulfate in HCQ and in the Zinc is somehow active."


these are ionic salts. the protonated HCQ or the Zn2+ ion are the cations, and the sulfate is simply the negative counter-ion (anion). ionic salts dissociate completely in aqueous sol'n, to the identity of the anion is irrelevant to the activity of the cation (HCQH+ or Zn2+). the anion is usually chosen because of the advantageous physical properties of the salt, like stability, leading to longer shelf life or ease of handling. the sulfate has nothing to do with the activity of the HCQ or the zinc.


"…various forms of sulfonamide were in use. Those drugs had one or more Sulfur dioxide molecules attached."


gibberish. those drugs have sulfonyl groups attached, NOT sulfur dioxide molecules. the sulfonyl group does NOT behave like a sulfur dioxide molecule. the sulfur is in a different oxidation state AND covalently bonded to a carbon skeleton. chlorine gas was used to kill soldiers in the trenches. sodium chloride makes french fries more tasty.


"…turns out that Sulfate is H2SO4 which is like taking 1 Hydrogen peroxide and one Sulfur dioxide and jamming them together."


MORE total gibberish. sulfate is (SO4)2-, the dianion of sulfuric acid H2SO4. jamming hydrogen peroxide and sulfur dioxide together does NOT make sulfuric acid or sulfate anion. that's NOT how chemistry or chemical reactions work… you don't just "jam" molecules together like balls of playdoh.


a wise man said, "there is NOTHING more dangerous than a little bit of knowledge." y'all have as little as i've seen in quite some time.


IDIOTS. get a job. get a life. kiss a girl. move out of mommy's basement.