Anonymous ID: 701186 May 26, 2020, 4:49 a.m. No.9318499   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8511


vatican/holy see parallels battles between potus and msm with american people weighing decisions on who to support.

momentum going slowly but surely away from msm credibility and pope cred.


vatican is all in on nwo liberalism and they may not get adherents to change views, but will divide in the process. the goal is truly division for the vatican, and for america, msm vs potus i think the division is a necessary step.


keeping historical debate aside, if the communists want new adherents that they lacked before, using the vatican as a mouthpiece gives acces to one billion +, if they gain 1/4, the gained 250+ million supporters, while weakening the christian identity in the process, a win win for commies.


potus seems to be a opposite reflection of that dynamic, dividing the msm grip on america, creating necessary division in unmasking truth and gaining followers for patriotic and conservative causes and leaving the liberal communists weakened.


my mum is a conservative catholic and hated trump until i helped red pill her with one simple thing, his stance on abortion. backed with facts and action, defending life more than any recent president. not easy but conservative christians can eventually discount their leaders when life is defended by one (potus) and not the other.