>>>9320895 (You) PB (Note on Personal Experience Killing Cancer with Food)
From OP:
Bicarbonate Increases Tumor pH and Inhibits Spontaneous Metastases - Detected by "Luciferase".
>>9321134 All PB
>Baking soda cures cancer. Basically.
>I've posted that mouse study here maybe 5-10 times over the last few months.
>It's a good one. It's pretty simple to understand.
>The mice who were given the baking soda lived twice as long as the mice who weren't.
>Hydroxychloroquine raises endosomal pH.
>Baking soda raises blood pH.
Not sure baking soda would do it alone. In fact, whether natural cures work absolutely depends on the aggressiveness of the cancer. When I was a kid, my girlfriends brother had a lump appear. Six weeks later he was covered in them, and dead.
It really depends on how aggressive the cancer is.
As a biofag, back in 2010, my mom was suddenly diagnosed with stage 4 bone cancer, with 3-9 weeks or so to live. I had been researching cancer and natural food/meds for only about 6 years, but, enough to know that I might be able to stop her pain (except for the broken bones) if I could get her to change her diet.
A year later, at her annual PET scan she was not supposed to be alive for, we found out we accidentally killed half of her bone cancer, and healed all her broken bones. It took three weeks to stop her bone cancer pain. six weeks to heal ALL the pain (including broken bone pain). At that point she could walk again. She never had pain again. She refused to get off the diet. She never had a broken bone again.
Not long after the second PET scan, my youngest brother suddenly dropped dead from aneurysm. She refused to eat or drink. She got cancer cachexia (liver failure basically). She died six weeks after he did.
Broken hearts can kill.
Diet matters with cancer, big time.
I have been studying why what we did worked, ever since.