I know I'm not the only one to notice that all these extreme police brutality stories come out of supposedly "progressive" cities in deep blue areas. Why am I never hearing about cops beating a black dude to death in supposedly extremely racist places like Louisiana or Alabama? Or Texas or Florida? Why is it always St. Louis or Baltimore or New York or (now) Minneapolis?
His main audience is water-brained geriatric NPCs who need to hear the same thing over and over again to make it stick.
I insta-filter him at this point, as I assume the same 15 images he constantly posts have some nefarious purpose to them. Wouldn't be the first time someone's been caught communicating though code found in otherwise benign pictures.
Zouth Afrika wanted to "kill the Boer" and now they're a failed state. Funny what chasing away all the productive people does to a society.
Indeed. Most of the "bots" here will out themselves as real human if you trigger them enough. I've done it to "ebot" multiple times.
The cult has turned my friend of 11 years into a useful idiot. Completely oblivious to what's going on yet acts like the 2nd coming of Lenin (or whatever his narcissistic power fantasy is.) When you see these people in videos, remember one thing; they're power-hungry powerless people, and nothing more. They ALL think that they'll be the one to bring about the worker's revolution, when in reality they're less than dirt to the real communists.
Space Applebee's?
Good theory, the camps would be for people who won't understand what's going on until it's too late and they're literally being lined up against the wall.
With a completely straight face:
>"Yeah, a lot of people suggest that."
POTUS when asked about intern murderer Joe.
Almost like fascism and communism are two sides of the same authoritarian coin or something.